bruce x reader

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Today had just been horrible. First you got your ass kicked in training. You're pretty sure you torn a ligament in your leg. Tony had used up all the hot water. I'm not sure how, but he did. You sat in the living room stuffing your face full of chips trying too make yourself feel better. Which only made you feel fat.

You heard Tony walked in, but you continued too stuff your face.

"Hey Bruce needs you in the lab."
Tony said. There was a hint of excitement in his voice. You perked up. Oh someone actually wants me!  You thought and set the chips down.

You said and followed Tony. Tony kept complementing Bruce the whole way too the lab. It felt lile a rope had wrapped itself around your heart. You don't know why. It's not like Tony was gay. He is with Pepper. Tony stopped at the lab door and ushered you in.

"Ladies first."
He said with a smirk. A small laugh escaped your lips and he winked  walking in after you. Bruce stood by his desk writing stuff down quickly. Tony rushed over too him.

"Don't forget too just be yourself, she'll like that."
He whispered too Bruce. You didn't head it obviously. Bruce nodded and turned back too you. His face seemed slightly redder than usual. You didn't know why. It was probably the heat. It did feel rather hot in here today. Tony walked off too his desk and begin to do something.

"Hey you needed me?"
You ask leaning up on the desk besides him. He looks up at you his heart beating out his chest.

"Y-yes I wanted too see if you would help me with this."
He says and fiddles with the glasses in his hands. A smile crawled onto your lips. He was so cute. You thought.

"Of course I'll help you."
You said and looked down at the papers.

You started helping Bruce with things that where relatively easy. It seemed off that he needes help with these things.

"Yes and that goes there."
He said placing your hand against the machine which pushed in a small piece you where holding. You stared at your hands. Both of your hearts where beating quickly. Your eyes traveled up his hand, to his arm, and up too his eyes. You both made eye contact. His eyes lingered on your lips for a minute. His lips grazed over your quickly. Your eyes and flittered closed then back opened when he pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
You cut him off and grabbed the collar of his purple buttom up connecting your lips with his rather soft ones. He hesitantly kissed you back and his hand cupped your face. You broke the kiss.

"And that goes there."
You whispered looking up into his eyes. A smile tugged onto his lips.

"Would you like to-"
He started slowly.
You stated quickly cutting him off. You pecked his lips quickly. A smile covered both of your lips.

That day you left the lab with a smile and a dazed look in your eyes. You walked past Clint and Natasha. They exchanged curious looks and walked up too the couch. You picked up and bag of chips you where eating earlier and continued too eat them happily.

"How was your day?"
Natasha asked sitting down cautiously besides you. You stared into the bag with the widest smile on your face.

"Good. Or maybe even perfect."
You said and leaned on her shoulder and let out a happy sigh.

"Oh? What changed?"
Natasha asked and looked up at Clint with a raised eyebrow. He shrugged and looked back at you.

"Oh Natasha it was amazing!" 
You exclaimed happily and hugged her. She patted your back nervously.

Meanwhile with Bruce

Bruce had been sitting down at his desk with a smile plastered on his face occasionally letting out a small laugh. It was creeping Tony out.

"Hey man, your creepying me out with the random laughter."
Tony said from his desk with his head propped up on his hand. Bruce looked up at him.

"Oh, sorry about that."
Bruce said still smiling and looked back down at his papers.  It was so hard too focus when you where the only thing on his mind.

"What happened when I wasn't looking? All I saw was y/n walking out with a smile plastered on her face."
Tony said propping his head up on his hand. Bruce's face reddened and he twiddled with his pincel.

"Well she kissed me and I asked her out. She said yes. Thank god."
He mumbled and looked down at his papers which just happened too be a the steps too his whole confessing his love thing. Which he only got five of the twenty steps done, but it didn't matter, because you two where now dating!

"How many steps in?"
Tony asked raising a eyebrow. He was leaning in on his desk with a smirk on his face.


Tony exclaimed and threw his hands in the air.

"Okay mister smooth hands. I see you!"

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now