You're always right (Tony)

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   Long story short, you and Tony where the best of bros. Of course you knew that you couldn't replace Bruce, but who's to say you couldn't come hella close to it. All three of you where extremely close. No one could mention Tony or Bruce, without your name coming up. All three of you learned to work around each others down sides and become goofy weirdos.
    Once you had talked both of them into putting on sunglasses and jamin out to Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson. That ended up with a over due lab experiment and a fit of laughter.
   Bruce especially liked having you around, because it kept Tony off his back for a while and surprisingly kept his flirtatious remarks to a minimum. You shut that shit down quick. Real quick. It was amusing to him. Watching you and Tony interact. It was similar to watching one of those romance-comedies.
   Now I know what you're thinking. 'Oh great, another romance comedy', but this one is like that deep relationship  that they don't even know about. It was so obvious to anyone watching that you had tamed the flirtatious, arrogant, billionaire. You had tamed him in the most subconscious manner. Friendship.  I'm not talking about that gushy, pushing the play dough with your fingers friendship, but that childish 'get the stick out your ass' friendship. Your dripping sarcasm paired with his snarky remarks, is the best thing that ever happened to him- or well both of you.
   Currently, Stark resides on the couch flipping through the channels of his flat screen. Clint, Natasha, and Thor sat at the counter eating snacks. "Still a stick up your ass!" You call out as you jog through the living room to the elevator.
   "Only for you dear!" Tony calls out. A smirk clear across his lips.
   "Oh please." You groan as you click the button of the elevator quicker. A smile slowly tugs at your lips as the elevator dings and the doors opens, inviting you in.
   "Honey, don't forget the trash!" Tony yells out.
   "Take it out yourself, rich boy!" You respond, with a smile, as the elevator door shuts.
     "Am I the only one who saw that?" Clint asked in a hushed voice. Natasha groans and shakes her head.
   "What did we see?" Thor asks glancing between the two of them. Natasha and Clint looked up at Thor, who was crunching hard on a Poptart.
    "Their chemistry." Natasha says and pops another granola crumble into her mouth.

    "They like each other." Clint says bluntly and takes a bite out of his bowl of ramen noodles. Thor's eyebrows knit together. Then it dawned on him. All the snarky responses that are followed by silent laughter and wide smiles. He always noticed how close you two seemed, even whenever you where sitting on the couch with each other. You too seemed so close, yet there was a small barrier between the whole couple thing. Could the barrier possibly be obliviousness?
   "It would seem odd that Stark would be oblivious to someone liking him, would it not?" Thor says as he brushes Poptart crumbs from his beard. Natasha scoffs.
   "Tony wouldn't know a women if he read a book about them." She says and squints her eyes at the back of Tony's head. Clint chuckles and forks his noodles.
    "We got to set them up." Clint says and looks up to them with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Thor had noticed that gleam.
    "Oh, gods." Thor mumbles to himself and pinches his arm. Natasha smirks back and nods.

[Insert sponge bob narrator]
~A few moments later~

You walk into the lab and pop your knuckles. Bruce looks up and presses a small button on a remote. "I'll be back. I'm going to grab a drink." He says and jogs towards the entrance, remote in hand.
    "We have drinks in here." Tony calls out, but Bruce had already jogged out. You look back to the door then to Stark.
   "Weird." You say and sit in a rollie chair. You roll in front of Tony's desk and flip a pencil between your fingers.
     Suddenly you both hear a loud click from both the front door and the fire exit. "What the hell?" Tony says and stands up. "Jarvis, unlock the doors." Jarvis didn't respond so Tony opened his laptop and started typing.
      "What's happening?" You ask walking behind Tony, to peer over his shoulder at the screen. Tony groaned and turned around in his chair.
    "Someone manually over rode Jarvis and locked the lab doors." He groaned and stood up. You backed up as Tony's frame hovered over you. "Well we're going to be in here for a while until Bruce comes back and notices the lock down." He says and leans back onto his desk. You groan and pinch your nose.

     Something smelled fishy. Really fishy. Bruce would never intentionally lock you in here, would he? He didn't seem like the type to play pranks. Maybe, there is someone else using Bruce to lock you in here. Your head immediately started swimming with conclusions and scenarios. This was the main reason Furry had added you to Shield. Your ability to solve problems with a quickness. It was a great attribute to the team, especially whenever it came to Hydra and complex scenarios.
   Tony noticed the lost in thought look on you face. "What are you thinking?" He asked, completely trusting your judgement. He remembered the last time he didn't trust you and Ultron happened. He be damned if it where to happen again. You look up at him and a wide blush spread across your face.
    "I'd rather not say. I-I'm not sure if it is accurate, really." You finish and turn away from him. He was shocked. Let alone it was a rare occasion that you blushed, but you not knowing if you're right or not? Now that was really something.
    "Well at this point it could be anyone's guess. I would like too hear it if it could get us out if here." Tony say and places a hand on your shoulder. You jump at the sudden contact and sigh.
    "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." You say and pause. He nods and sits back on his desk. "Well, I think Bruce and the other locked us in here." You say slowly. Tony's eyebrows knit together. "Because I saw Natasha, Clint, and Thor talking at the counter a couple hours ago, after our brief run in at the living room. I think..." You pause and bite your lip out of nervous habit. "I think they think, that we like each other." You finish your blush now successfully spreading across your face. Tony's cheeks tint pink and he runs his fingers through his hair.
    "Well thats one hell of an assumption." He says and crosses his arms. You agree and chew at your lip. His eyes scan over your nervous one and he exhales. His heart thumped against his chest. "We can test that theory." He says stepping towards you. You could feel your hands shaking as he nears you.
  "H-how?" You whimper as his hand cups your cheek. His eyes drift back and forth between your lips and eyes and he slowly leans in. Your eyes flutter shut as your noses brush each others. Finally, his soft warm lips where on top of yours and you kiss him back. Your lips tingle and you both can feel the electricity radiating off of each other.
   You both part for a second, but not fully pulling away. Your noses still touched and his hand still cupped your cheek. You let out a shaky breath and opened your eyes slowly too met his loving gaze. A smile cracks up onto his lips and he captures your lips once more. You co-operate and kiss him back, before breaking it with a wide smile.  "You still have a stick up your ass." You say against his lips which causes him to laugh.
   "What do I have to do to get it up your ass?" He says back playfully causing you to laugh. The doors clicked and you tore your eyes away from each others gaze and to the front door where Bruce 'innocently' stood with three bottle of water. "Guess you where right."
     "When am I wrong?" You say back breaking from his arms. He rolls his eyes.

  A/n this was an inspired story!! I was inspired by the author @DaisyErina It was their one-shot books for Bruce Banner. It is so freaking adorable. I totally recommend it for all you Bruce Banner lovers. Anyways, Stay positive and Inspired! 💕💕

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