A spilled cup of coffee (Loki)

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    You dragged your feet along the tile floors. Your resting bitch face in its action. Clint saw you coming and hurriedly picked his mug off the counter and maneuvered out of your way. It seems that everyone in the tower knows how much you dread mornings. Especially when you've stayed up all night with Tony and Bruce in the lab. It was a horrible morning. You could feel the negative energy radiating off of you. To hell with mornings. You grabbed your 'feeling a bit prickily' mug from the cabnit and your begun prepping your cup.
    You where either to drowsy or too focused to notice the shuffling behind you. You bring the cup to your lips and take a sip of the heavenly liquid. You step away from the counter and immediately bump onto someone, causing your favorite mug to slip from your hands and shatter on the floor, coffee and all. You felt your heart break at the sight. Then just as quickly as the heart break, came the anger. Your head snapped around to find the culprit. It was the new guy, Loki or something like that. His eyes fixated onto your glaring ones and he felt pure fear run over him.
    Now, one does not simply scare the God of Mischief and Lies, but the look you where giving him and the low growling sound omitting from your throat gave him the chills. "What the hell is your problem!?" You yell at him and look back down at your shattered mug and spilled coffee. He opened his mouth to protest, but you stormed off leaving him to clean up the mess.
    "Really fucked up, Laufeyson. Y/n is a dangerous enemy. Especially in the mornings." Clint taunts and walks by causally, sipping his coffee. Loki bit the inside of his cheek, remembering how beautiful you looked whenever he first arrived and how you ignored the scene everybody made. You had gave him a 'oh hey I didn't notice you till now,' look and given him a simple wave, before shoving your nose back down into your book. He quickly used his magic to fix the mug and clean the coffee up.
    "YEAH!? Thats what I said!?" You yelled as Natasha simply let you vent.
   "Everyone in the tower knows to leave you alone in the mornings." She said and sipped her own coffee. You groaned and plopped down onto the small sofa in the library. This was the only place that made you feel comfortable. "Let alone make you spill your coffee. That is basically suicide." She mumbled the last part and turned the page in her book.  You sighed remembering your shattered mug.
    "I guess I'll go out of coffee this morning. Maybe, I'll buy me a new mug." You sigh and push yourself up off of the sofa and start out towards the door, finally leaving Natasha to her book. You get dressed in your casual wear and head towards the elevator.
    "Where are you going?" Tony calls out as he makes his own coffee.
    "Getting coffee." You shoot the ravin haired man a glare and stepped into the elevator. You stand there as the elevator  plays annoying elevator music. You tap your foot impatiently, as the door dings and takes its precious time opening.
     'I hate him! His stupid jet black hair and emerald eyes. Ignorant little prick!' You thought as you walk quickly to the nearest coffee shop. You swing the door open to see the RBF on many other people, while the sip and type away on there laptops and such. 'I hate everyone.' You think and order you a cup.
    After you got one cup in and you where thinking clearly, you thought back to what happened and mentally sighed. It wasn't his fault the coffee had spilled and your favorite mug broke. It was your fault. If only you had been watching were you where going, it wouldn't have happened in the first place. You groan realizing you would have to apologize and you mentally scolded yourself for over reacting.
     You sighed and walked around a department store looking for a new mug. Shopping for good mugs was always difficult. You didn't want one of those basic, 'I ♡ coffee,' mugs, but you didn't want one that was sparkly or one that stuck out too much. You wanted one similar to the one you had. Sarcastic and funny. A mug told alot about someones personality. Or at least thats what you thought.
   You had finally settled on a creamy, light brown mug that had the words,  'Don't touch,' in bold, black letters. You paid for it had headed back to the tower. 
   You clicked the elevator door and had been preparing an apology in your head the whole way up. The elevator door dinged and you opened it to yet another petty fight with Tony and Steve. 

  "Yeah, well screw you Stark!" You yell playfully. He turns to you quickly with a scowl on his face, but it melts into a smirk as soon as he sees you.
    "Someone had their dose of caffeine this morning." He said and strode over to you, leaving a irritated Rodgers on the couch.
   "Yeaaah, I figured that I'd never think rationally if I didn't." You say and smile slyly at him. He smiles back and shakes his head.
   "Is that a new mug?" He points to the bag and you smirk.
   "A little excited are we?" You say and play with the paper bag. He gives you a 'just show me the freaking mug,' look and you laugh pulling it out.
   "Tasteful and I must say, it matches you." He says and takes it from your hands examining it. "Beautiful cream color too. Shame." He says and hands it back to you. Your eyebrows furrow.
   "Shame?" You ask and he mentally scolds himself.
  "Nothing! Okay good bye Y/n." He says and jogs away quickly, before he slips up again.
   "Weird." You mutter and head towards your room to re-exam your findings. Your jaw almost dropped whenever you saw your favorite mug sitting on your dresser, in one piece you might add. You ran over and picked it up. You unfolded a small piece of paper inside the mug and begun to read it.
     'Dearest Y/n,
I fixed your mug. I do, sincerely, apologize for our mishaps this morning. I hope this will suffice as a peace treaty.
                                      -Yours sincerely, Loki.'
    Guilt washed over you and you tucked the piece of paper into your special drawer. You sat down on your bed and pulled out a piece of paper and a green, ink pin.
    Loki opened his door, after he successfully figured out how to work the laptop device that Tony had lended him. He noticed a small paper bag with a small piece of paper stapled to the top. He picked up the bag and tore the paper from the bag.

    'Dearest Loki,
I should apologize for the mishap this morning. It was truly my fault. I shouldn't have over reacted like that. My brain doesn't function before my morning cup of coffee. I would also like to thank you and welcome you to the team. I hope this can solve our problem.
                                       -Yours truly, Y/n'

   A smile tugged at his lips as he read the note. He shut his door quickly and opened the bag. He almost laughed at the cream colored mug sitting inside. Now he had a inanimate object to be so protective of, thanks to you.
                 ~The next morning~

  Tony rummaged through the cabnit for his mug whenever he saw both of your mugs. Where you going to use both? He was sure you where only going to use your old one. Thats when both you and Loki walked into the kitchen and what is weird about it was that you both had faint smiles on your lips. Tony had never seen you smile in the mornings. NEVER. "Excuse me." You said as Tony moved from his place in front of the cabnit.
   'Wait did she just say excuse me?' He thought as you reached out and pulled both mugs from the cabnit and handed the newer one to Loki who said thanks and poured both of you some coffee. "What is this?" He finally asks as you and Loki share an intense gaze. You broke your gaze away from Loki to Tony and cocked your head to the side.
    "What do you mean?" You ask. Shocking him even more. You never spoke full sentences in the morning. You had always replied with a 'hm' or a painful glare. 
   "I'm baffled." He says again and places a hand over his heart. You hum and look away from him.
   "We are simply having coffee." Loki inquires and motions with his mug. A smile tugs at your lips and you motion for Loki to follow you as you walk towards the library. Tony's mouth hung agape watching the two of you walk off. Loki cut straight to the good you. Tony, himself hadn't even made it there yet.
    "Jarvis monitor Y/n and Loki. Something isn't right." Tony says and begins rubbing his beard. 
    "Yes sir."

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now