Loki x Reader (Pocky)

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The Avengers towers where finally having a peaceful day and everyone seemed to be resting in their rooms. Eccept you of course, who had just gotten back from the store with a box of chocolate pocky in your hands. You planned on benging your favorite seires on your laptop while eating them, but fate had other plans.

You sat on the couch switching through the Nexfilx seires until you landed on it (insert seires name here). The bests thing in the whole planet. Well that is right under you favorite person in the whole universe, Loki. You had a major crush on him for the longest time. Anyways back to what you are doing. The intro to the show had finally finished. You could never skip the intro. It was the best intro you'd ever seen. You marvelled at the screen with a piece of pocky hanging from your mouth. Little did you know Loki was standing behind the counter with his invisibility spell on to make sure he could walk around with out anyone bothering him for anything. He saw the pocky dangling from your mouth and a mischievous smirk plastered his face. He had heard all about the 'pocky game' and he intended to make you suffer for it. He walked in front of you and jumped on you pinning you back taking the othe piece of pocky in his mouth before casting off the spell. Red covered your face. You didn't expect this at all amd it scared you alittle. This has to be a dream. You thought. My crush pinning me to the couch to play the pocky game is too good to be true. Loki nibbled towards the middle enjoying every single wild thought that crossed your mind. You began to nibble back, but just as you did his lips pushed up against yours finishing off the piece of pocky. You kissed him back. Loki kissing you again and bit your bottom lip before pulling away and vanishing. You laid there on the couch still taking in everything thag had happened. Your TV show played in the back ground as your breathing began to slow down. You closed your eyes and breathed trying to slow your heart rate. Foot steps began to approach you.

"Lady Y/n have you seen Loki?"
Thors voice boomed as he looked at you over the couch.  Your eyes cracked open and you saw his look of consern.

"N-no. I haven't seen him all day."
You mumbled and closed your eyes again.

"Oh. Thank you.. lady Y/n."
He mumbled before walking away quickly. Loki had watched the scene play out and a smirk came onto his face as his brother walked away.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now