Rule me (Loki)

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     Loki paces onto top of the Stark tower; New York city crumbling under him. He watches as the Avengers fight fruitlessly against his army. They wouldn't beat him. They are under him. His eyes scan the destruction, the murder, and the chaos. The screams of pathetic mortals ring in his ears like music. Really bad music. Did he like this? He did not know, but he wants a throne and will do anything for it.

      Glass shatters under your feet as you pad up the stairs. You are in no rush, for this is not your planet. You care not for it, but Thor does and asks you to handle Loki. Which you didn't mind doing. Messing with Loki brought pleasure beyond the Gods to you. You push the door open and scan the room dusted with scattered furniture and glass. Your eyes land on a balcony type thing and a smirk crawls to your lips; seeing Loki.
     As silent as a mouse and as unnoticeable as a hair cut to men, you sneek up on hom; wrapping your arms firmly around him. He spins and pins a dagger to your neck. "My dear, Loki. What has you on edge?" You ask and bring your finger to the dagger, moving it away from your throat.
      "Y-y/n?" He asks, bewildered.
      "In the flesh." You say simply and scan the destruction he has caused. "Throwing another tantrum, Loki?" He scoffs and tightens his grip on the glowing staff.
     "This is not-"
     "You do realize that, you don't need to conjure this world to get my attention." You say and cock and eyebrow looking back at him. His own brows knit together and you smirk, seeing the slight blush on his cheeks.
    "Were is your battle armor? Are you not scared?" He asks exaiming you. "You've seen what I can do. Why do you continue to associate with me? I am dangerous, Y/n." He says taking a step towards you, pointing the staff towards you.
"You expect me to be scared?" You almost laugh. You cross your arms in amusement and take a step closer to him. "If you were to harm me, you would've already done it." The staff fully pressed against your chest you smile deeply, feeling it's point against you. "You don't need this to control me." You say. His eyes widen slowly as they scan your body.
     'Control yourself, Loki! Do not give in to this- this sentiment,' he thinks and moves the staff pulling you closely. A dagger firmly placed under your pretty chin, ready too slit your throat and spill your asgaurdian blood onto the streets of New York. You smirk feeling adrenaline pump through your vains.
     "Do it." You, nag him on; biting at your lip. The dagger slowly cuts into your neck causing small spots of blood to appear. You let out a soft moan and the pain causes pleasure. He stops and looks up to your eyes. He knew you had always been a dare devil and adrenaline junkie, but to come to these heights drove him crazy.
    "What are you doing?" He asks softly staring at your lips as you bite it softly.
    "Waiting for the knife, Loki." You sa softly.
    "No, what are you doing here?" He asks and pulls the dagger out of its place. You sigh and bring your hand to your neck, wiping the blood away.
    "Well, I was hoping you'd still be willing to do that thing you suggested a while ago." You say crossing your arms. His eyebrows knit together and he releases you.
    "What thing?"
    "Wow, you don't remember? I'm truely hurt. I thought it meant alot to you, but apparently not." You say and cross your arms. He raises an eyebrow waiting for you too get to the point. "Remember when you said, 'if I could rule you then I would have no need for Odin's crown,'?" You ask and touch your hand to his chest piece. His breath hitches as you do so and his eyes trail over your (body shape) figure; enjoying its look. "Well, I want you too rule me, Loki." You say, leaning by his ear. A low growl emits from his throat and you smirk. "My king."
     "This tactic you are using, is going to get you into a lot of trouble." He says huskily, grabbing your wrist. You lean away from his ear as his mischievous green eyes meet yours.
    "I meant every word of it." You say with a wide smirk across your lips. He chuckles and drops his staff to the floor, before trailing his hand up your waist pulling you too him. Your body presses against his and you gasp and look up to him with a smirk.
     Meanwhile Tony is flying around his tower fighting off aliens when he sees this. He clicks his radio on and clears his throat. "Um, Thor why does  this asgaurdian friend of yours look like she is about to screw Loki in my building?" He asks; seeing Loki bringing your tigh around his waist.
    "Yes, they do that, but is Loki's attention off the scepter?" Thor replies fighting off his own group of alien scum.
   "Well yeah, but thats my new leather couch." He whines watching you bring Loki into the building and push him down onto the couch. Out the corner of his eyes he sees a flash of ice blue heading straight towards him. "Shit." He says as the surge of energy hits him.
     "Sir, you've taken damage." Jarvis says and Tony rolls his eyes.
    "Yeah, I got that."
  Meanwhile Black Widow and Captain America finish up a cluster of the Chitauri. A swarm of the trespassers fly over head and the Widow looks at Cap. "I need to get up there." She says.
    "You'll need a ride." Rodgers responds. In the distance Romanoff sees a few Chitauri flying their way.
     "I've got one." She says and takes a few paces back.
      "You sure you can do this?" He asks the agent.
      "Yeah, I could use a lift, though." Romanoff says and looks down to Rodgers and he nods getting his shield ready. "Now." She says and runs at him. He holds his shield up as Natasha runs up a damaged car and jumps onto it. He thrusts her into the air and her hand catches a Chitauri glider. She severes a chain holding one on and he flies off. Immeaditly she jumps onto the other stabbing its hands into the wheel, forcing it to drive.  "Turn turn turn!" She says nearing a building. Just in the nick of time they miss the building only to get fired at by enemies. "Clint, I could use some cover!" She yells at her head piece.
     "On it!" He replies and spots her glider in the distance. He pulls an explosive arrow from his quiver and loads it onto his bow; calculating the perfect shot. Now! The arrow flies from his bow, landing on the alien glider. He smirks as it explodes in the distance.
    "Thanks." Nats voice says over the radio as she doudges another building. The Stark tower comes into view and she smirks, seeing Loki's secptor on the balcony. She leaps from the glider onto the roof doing a flip or so to smooth her landing. She exchanges words with the scientist and ties a rope to the ceiling, before sliding down it to retrieve the glowing weapon of mass destruction. She grabs it and regrettably sees Y/n riding on top of the villian. His eyes meet hers.
  "Y/n." He moans softly as Y/n pushes him inside of her again. He looks away from Natasha as she begins to climb back up the rope.
  "Yes?" She whispers in his ear, repeating the action. Pleasure washes over him and his head pushes into the thick leather of the couch.
  "Nothing, love." He says breathlessly; accepting his loss- or success? You hum and lean down kissing him hungerily. He kisses you back grabbing your hips slamming them down upon his, causing a sharp moan to leave your lips. His hips and your move together in sync, causing the tension to build, the heat to rise, and the sweat form.
   "Loki-!" You moan and bite your lip to hush yourself. He quickly switches positions with you and pumps at just the right angle; his fingers trailing down your tighs. You cover your eyes with your hands as your back arches.
   "Say my name." He growls and you moan dragging your nails down his back.
   "Loki." You moan and he hits your spot again.
   "Louder." He commands.
   "Loki!" You moan feeling yourself close to release.
   "Cum with me, darling." He says placing soft kisses on your neck. You moan softly letting the pleasure to wash over you, rocking your body.
   "Y/n..." he moans softly at the tension. He quickly pulls out, releasing. Your legs tense up as you release and you moans softly as your high begins to fade. "I've got to-..." he begins, but you grab his face and kiss it
   "No don't leave me, Loki." You plead. His mischievous green eyes stare back at yours and he inhales sharply. Your begging (e/c) eyes bored into his. As he stares longingly into your eyes, he can already imagine what a merciful king he would become. He leans down and kisses you softly.
   "I've got to go." He says. Suddenly the shooting stops and it is silent outside. His eyebrows knit together and he looks up and out to the balcony. His army is falling from the sky dead.
  "Do you have to go now?" You ask as he sighs in defeat. He looks back to you and shakes his head.
  "No, but I could really go for a drink." He says, while you laugh.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now