Pick up lines (Bruce x Reader)

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Where do I start? Dr. Bruce Banner the exact definition of Beauty and The Beast. A gentle, kind, scientist bound to a huge, angry, unstable man. Of course this trait had scared many people away from this him, but I couldn't help myself from being intrigued. Of course I found myself smitten after our first few conversations. The way his named rolled off my tongue made me want to say it over and over again.

Bruce Banner.

How could you of fallen so deeply for someone after so many heart breaks? Was it his gentle eyes? Could it have been how soft he spoke? Maybe it was even how disheveled he looked after working.

"Bruce Banner."

The perfect combination of brawns and brains.

There it is. That smooth, soft voice. The one I had found my heart beating over.

A hand on my should snapped me awake and I jolted up out of my chair too my feet. Bruce jumped slightly shocked at my sudden actions and raised an eyebrow. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment. 

I said coughing and removing a pencil from behind my ear. His facial expression changed too a more confused one and he scratched the back if his neck.

"Oh. I thought you called me over here, sorry."
He looked slightly disappointed and he turned in his heel and walked away. I stood there slightly confused.

How had I called his name? I was asleep. Unless...

I covered my mouth and slowly sat back down in my chair. Had I been saying his name in my sleep?

"Sleep talking I presume, because I heard it too."
Tony yelled and smirked. I shot a glare up at Tony and I could feel Bruce's eyes on me.

"Buzz off"
I mumbled under my breath and pinched the brim of my nose.

Of course I just had too let Tony know of my crush for Dr. Banner. Of all people I told Tony.

I could hear chuckles coming from over by Bruces desk and you looked up to see Tony pestering Bruce while he was trying too work. Bruce's face was a light pink and I couldn't hear what they where talking about.

"Why don't you come pester someone who has nothing to do?"
I call over to Tony, feeling slightly bad for Bruce. Bruce looked up at you worried as Tony walked over to me agreeing. He mouthed a 'thank you' and I gave him a toothy smile with a thumbs up and Tony scooted by me on his wheeled stool.

"Protecting your boyfriend?"
He mumbled smirking. Once again my face heated up with embarrassment, but before I could even get a word out he spoke up again.

"You should make the first move, because Bruce is too timid."
He whispers nudging me. I cover my face with my hands shaking my head.

"Even if I wanted to say something what would I say?"
I mumbled into my hands.

I can't believe I'm asking Tony Stark for this kind if advice.

"Maybe some of whatever you where saying in your dreams."
He chuckled and I could physically feel the embarssment in the pit of my stomach.

"Ok. Ok. Say this line it gets them everything."
(Magical time skip brought to you by Loki)

I stood up from my desk and began to walk over to Tony's desk. Which means I'll have to pass Bruce's desk. Once I get infront of Bruce's desk I start 'coughing' and I 'stumble' back too Bruce's desk. I use my hand to hold myself up and he runs in front of my quickly.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"
He grabs my shoulders scanning me. I assume for injuries.

"D-Dr. Banner..."
I 'coughed' again and held my chest. His eyes scanned mine looking worried.

"I value my breath, so please stop taking it away everytime I see you."
I breathed out. His face turned a dark red and he covered his face with his hand. A small blush covers my face and I can hear Tony chuckling. Bruce looks up at me his eyes scanning mine.

"Tony put you up to this?"
He said scratching the back of his head. Once again you could see dissapointment on his face. I glanced over at Tony with pleading eyes. He made a 'go on' motion with his hands and I looked back up at Bruce who eyes where scanning me for solutions.

I stammered out not exactly sure what to say. Bruce pushed his glasses up.

"It's okay. Tony lov-"
I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his waist and buring my face into his chest.

What am I doing? Just hugging him so suddenly???? I will scare him off for sure!

I felt myself shaking. Of course I was nervous. I was super nervous! His arms wrapped around my shaking figure.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"
I looked up at him slowly with small tears in my eyes from embarrassment.

"Bruce you make my knees weak."
I stammered out with a flushed face. His facial expression changed from worried too shocked and red dusted his face. I could hear Tony busting out laughing. Bruce looked into my eyes and a small smile covered his lips. His chuckles filled the room. This only made me even more embarrassed. His lips touched my forehead and he smiled down at me trying not to laugh.

"You are one interesting women."
He ruffled my hair.

"Is that a good thing?"
I smiled at him nervously. His fingers wipe away the tears from my previously teary eyes.

"Of course."
I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.

"Then would you mind going on a date with me?"
I asked quickly.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now