Liquid Courage (Bruce)

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  You sat in your room with a large bottle of Fireball in your hand. You didn't like feeling sad and drained, so you did want you thought would make you feel better. You grabbed a big bottle of Fireball from BirdDogs and a shot glass.
   Why are you so sad? Well you and your friend Bruce Banner had a fight. You use the term 'friend' loosely, because you wanted to be so much more than that. You really liked him. REALLY liked him. You always got that gushy feeling around him and it made your insides melt just by a glance from him, but whenever he looked at you the way he did during the fight didn't make your insides melt. Matter of fact it made your insides churn and twist, causing you too feel sick. You where going to call Tony to have a few shots together, but he was too contempt on his work to bat an eye towards you after the whole 'me and Banner' argument.
    You sighed and took another shot. Feeling more alone then ever. You didn't feel like anyone at the tower wanted to hear you vent, so you just kept throwing back shots as if they where your best friend. 'Why doesn't he love me?' You thought and downed another. 'Why can't he just look at me like he cares?' You thought and curled up into a ball on your bed. A soft knock could be heard at your door, but you hardly wanted to talk to anyone. You pretended you didn't here it, but it came again. You groaned and downed a shot, trying to keep quiet.
    "Y/n, I'm sorry. Please open the door." It was Bruce. He was the last person you wanted to see right now. He was the one who caused this empty feeling in the pit of your stomach. "Please, Y/n." His voice cracked and you immeaditly felt guilt wash over you. "I will just stand here until yo-" His voice trailed off as your door swung open. He stared at you for a minute, trying to find the words that he had thought over a thousand time before he arrived.
    "What?" You sniffled and rubbed your puffy eyes. Your tone came off a lot harsher than intended, but he seemed so caught off guard. Even though, he was the one who came to you.
    "Well-I-Uh, just came to say-uh, I'm sorry about... earlier." He said nervously and looked away from you. You drunkly swayed and shrugged your shoulders.
    "Oh! Its fine." You slur and grabbed onto the door handle to keep yourself from falling.
   "You're drunk." He states raising an eyebrow. You raise an eyebrow and wave him off.
    "Pft! Yeah right! I'm no light weight Banner!" You laugh waving him off. A worried smile tugged at his lips. You stumble forward and into his arms. "Woah." You say and grab onto him for support. "The gravity is crazy." You slur and look up at him. He laughs softly and steadys you.
  "Here let me help you to bed." He says leading you, slowly, into your room. His eyes scan the room for the substance you had been drinking. He was surprised to see a almost empty 2 ounce bottle of Fireball. "Geez, Y/n why you go and drink all of that?" He mumbled dumbfounded as you leaned onto him.
   "You made me sad! You don't remember?" You paused and rubbed your eyes. "Of course not." You mumbled and sat on your bed. You looked at the bottle and reaches for your shot glass.
    "I remember." He said quickly and grabbed your hand before you could get the bottle. "I came to say I'm sorry  Y/n. I don't want you to be sad anymore." He said feeling guilty for your drunken state. You hummed and stared at him. He looks up to your red face and smiled sheepishly. You smiled back and leaned down to hug him.
    "Ok." You chimed and didn't pull away. You wanted to stay as close to him as possible, so you didn't lose him again.
    "Okay?" He questioned and pulled back slowly to look at you.
  "Yep!" You say and hiccup. He scratches the back of his head nervously.
   "Well lets get you to bed." He says and motioned for you to lay down.
  "Okie!" You say and lay down and crawl under the covers. He laughed at how obedient you acted. He covered you up and went to the door. He flicked the light out and opened the door up. "Waaaiiit!" You yelled and sat up. He stopped abruptly and turned to you. "You're not going to lay down?" You question sadly. He inhales sharply and turns towards the well lit hallway, then back to you.
  "Well I have to-" your pouts cut him off and you pulled the blanket over your head.
   "Fine! Just leave!" You yelled and rolled over causing a huge lump whereyou and your blanket laied in the middle of the bed.
    "Wha- fine." He said and closed the door again. He walked over and sat at the edge of the bed. You peeked out your cover to him. He took his shoes off and pulled his lab coat off. You blushed at how hot he looked pulling off his coat and hot the purple button up tightened around his torso. He turn to you and raised an eyebrow. "Happy?" He said and crossed his arms. A smirk crawled onto your lips and you hugged him again. His muscles tensed up at you snuggled into his chest.
   "Yep." You hum and sigh happily. He could practically feel the heat radiating off of his cheeks as laid down slowly onto the bed. Your arms wrapped around his torso tightly and your head buried into his chest. He hesitantly laid his arm around you. He didn't want to scare you away or seem like he was coming on to strong, but all you did was hum softly and look up to him. "Your cute." You mumble and unwrap your arms from his torso and put both hands on the side of his face, squishing his cheeks. He chuckles and raises an eyebrow. You pout and your head plops down onto his chest. "Its not fair!" You whine and burried yourself onto him.
    "What's not fair?" He asked rubbing your back. You whined in response.
    "I love you." You slur and squish his cheeks again. He laughs and pinches your cheeks as well.
    "I love you to." He says. He had to admit, the words felt foreign on his tounge.
    "You don't get it!" You whine and plop your head back down onto him. You let out a frustrated sigh and just lay there. Wait, where you saying that you loved him, loved him? His cheeks burned and he just patted your back. Sure, maybe trying to get answers out of you while you where drunk was wrong, but this was probably his only chance to get the truth.
     "Well explain it Y/n." He said softly and tried not to feel guilty.
     "I don't know how." You whined and looked up at him. He tilted his head to the side as if telling you to try and she sighed. "Like this." You crawled onto your elbows and cupped his face. Your heart was beating quickly in your chest and you leaned down and kiss his forehead. A tiny smile cracked onto his lips.
      "Okay, how about we can talk about it in the morning." He says brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. You lean into his touch and nod.
   "Ok." You say sleepily. You laied back onto his chest and he wrapped an arm around you and let you snuggle on him.


  You woke up slowly and groaned as a head ache swarmed in your head. You got to sit up whenever you notice someone's arm wrapped around you waist. 'Oh no.' You thought. You checked to make sure you still had clothes on, which you did, thankfully. You looked up slowly and saw that purple button up and sighed. He was still sleeping. You laid your head back down onto his chest and pressed each finger on your temples trying to soothe the headache. "Good morning." Your head shot up as Bruce slowly woke up. His arm wrapped around you tightly and you blushed.
   "G-good morning." You mumbled. He sat up and you moved off of him. His morning hair was messy and he rubbed his eyes tiredly. You crossed your legs and sat there not knowing what too say. You remembered nothing of last night.
   "Your head hurts?" He stated more than asked. You nodded slowly. "I figured as much, you where wasted." He said and stood up. "I'll grab you some water and Tylenol. He headed towards the door.
   "Hey Bruce?" He stopped and looled back at you. Somehow this felt familiar. "Did I embarrass myself?" You ask feeling a churning in your stomach. He gazed off to the hallway as if he where thinking. He laughed and shook his head.
    "No, you didn't." He spoke and you could tell he was lying.
    "Oh god." You said and hung your head. He laughed and looked over at you.
   "It wasn't that bad, but we do have to.. discuss somethings." He said and his face turned light red. He shut the door and headed down the hallway. You mentally scolded yourself and ran into the bathroom.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now