Endless Cycle (Stark)

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      Your feet swing over the floor as you sit on the couch watching your favorite show. As soon and the show ends you whine not wanting it to be over, leaving your on an cliffhanger. "God damnit, not again." You mumble before you stand up and click the T.V off. You begin to walk through the tower halls, finding your way back to your room. You grip the handle of your door and turn it, until you heard a distinct sniffling sound across the hall. Your eyebrows furrow together in confusion. It sounds like someone is crying? You take your hand off of the handle and turn on your heel to see who it was. Damn your curiosity. You press your ear to the one and only Tony Starks door to hear the sound intensify. 'Why is he crying?' you wonder and knock on the door. The room goes silent for a minute, before you hear the sounds of him shuffling around. The door swings open, to a well kept up Tony his hair up done and his AC/DC shirt hugs at his waist. Through all the signs that he was, in fact not crying, you saw those red puffy eyes contradicting his appearance. "You okay?" You ask and scan his face. He stares at you monetarily, before smiling weakly and shaking his head 'yes.' Your frown increases and you put a hand on his ark reactor pushing him through the door; entering his room and shutting the door. "No you're not." You say and cross your arms at him. His breathing hitches and he opens his mouth to speak, before tears stream down his cheeks.
     "Shit." He mumbles and looks away from you. He tries to clear his throat and mind from the dreadful memories of the attack on New York and him flying out into space, not knowing how he was to get home or what was out there. He turns away from you, his arms and legs trembling. You walk up to him and place a hand on his back.
     "Let it out." You say softly and he cracks. All the pent up anxeity, fear, and panick tore away his walls and he began to sob violently.
    "I-I-I Tr-Trying-" He wimpers between sobs, trying to catch his breath. You smile weakly, knowing the symptoms of his anxeity attack.
     "You don't have to talk. Just let it out." You say and turn him towards you. His watery eyes find yours and you put your hand to his cheek and wipes away the tears. You smile warmly at him. He sets his forehead down on your shoulder and cries. Wrapping your arms around him, you rub comforting circles into his back hoping it'll help him. His heart pumps against his ribcage, as the tears fall from his cheeks and he grips you tightly. You gasp suprised at how tightly he was holding onto you. It felt as if he was holding on for dear life.
    "Don't leave me." He wimpers and nuzzles into your neck. His warm tears dried and his beard scratches against your neck. You close your eyes and relax your head on his shoulder.
     "I won't." You say softly, but hold him tightly. "You're not alone." You coe and his breathing calms. Both of you stand there in silence, as he buries himself into your neck and holds onto you. You could feel your cheeks flush at how long he held you, after he calmed down.
     "Thank you." He finally says and breaks from you. You look up to him and let go. He wipes his face and cracks up a weak smile. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He finishes and frowns softly. You smile and cock your head to the side. 
     "No one's perfect, Tony." You stop as his eyebrows furrow together. "Not even you." You say and poke his ark reactor. A wide grin pulls at his lips and he places his fingers on your head. You smile brightly up at him.
      "What'd I do to deserve someone lile you?" He asks and ruffles your hair.
      "You privatised world peace." You laugh. He cracks up and hugs you once more.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now