Scruba Dub Dub (Bruce)

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  a/n: All Fluff! Don't worry 😂 [(unless you want me to post smutt? 😉) Do comment and say if you want smutt.]

  Somehow Bruce had let himself get talked into washing one of Tony's sports cars, that he was going to use for a 'special meeting'. Bruce stood outside of Tony's personal parking lot with a sponge and a empy bucket. The croam black, silver Mustang sat there shinning in all it glory. Bruce thought that the car looked pretty damn clean, unlike he had explained the 'disturbingly dusty' sports car. "Well we definitely can't clean with no soapy water." Bruce jumped and looled over his shoulder. There you stood with you own sponge and a bottle of dish soap. 'Damnit Tony.'  Was the first thing that ran through his mind as a toothy smile cracked its way aross your lips.
    You see, Bruce had a thing for you. A BIG thing for you. Of course, you where oblivious to it and of course, he confided in one of his only friends at the tower, Tony. Ever since then, Tony always tried to set you two alone. Something about 'O.T.P feels.'
    "Y/n, Your helping too?" Bruce asked trying to shrug off the scare you gave him. You stepped towards him in a old T-Shirt and old mid-length shorts.
   "Yeah, he said you asked for my help?" You spoke slowly and tilted your head to the side. He mentally cursed himself and cleared his throat.
   "Oh yeah, I forgot!" Bruce said and went to grab a water hose. You stared at him quizzily for a minute, before ultimately brushing it off. 'Probably better not to ask,' you thought and poured some soap into the bucket as he fills it up with water. "So, how are you?" He asked breakimg the awkward tension, that only himself was feeling. You lool up from the bucket pulling yourself away from your thoughts.
   "Huh? Oh I'm good. How are ya?" You say and gain a smile as he nods awkwardly. You loved how awkward he was. It made you laugh inwardly. He pushed his glasses up.
    "Oh, me too." He said and turned to the car with the hose causing it too spray your pants. You yelped as the cold water soaked into your shorts. He turned back to you quickly and sprayed you AGAIN with the hose.
    His eyes widened and he pointed the hose towards the ground quickly. "I'm sorry! I didn't me-" He started but was cutt off by a soapy wett sponge smack upside his face. He stood there and the sponge fell to the ground. He knitted his eyebrows together staring at you as you giggled childishly at his now soap decorated hair and glasses. He motioned the hose towards her.
    "Wait! Wait! That was just pay back!" You call out quickly backing up with a smile. He smirked slowly and turned away.
    "Yeah yeah." He said and started to spray the car after taking his glasses off and tucking them into his pocket. Your inner child was let down, but you soon took the other sponge and started to scrub the exterior.
   After he successfully soaked the car he grabbed his sponge and began to scrub the other side. You scrubbed the tires and the rim, whenever a cool spray of water poured down on you, from the other half of the car.  "THATS IT!" You yell and heard Bruce mumble unholy words. You slide across the front of the car and threw your sponge at him. It smacked him in the stomach and he sprayed you with the water hose. You yelped and started to run towards Bruce's sponge that was in the bucket. You grabbed it and throw it at him. He started to laugh as the sponge flew past him. You screched as he sprayed you again.
   The only way you could stop him from spraying you was to take the water hose from him. So you mustered up all your strenght and ran at him. He yelled and sprayed you attempting to spray you away, which failed. He started to run to the other side lof the car, but you followed with a wide smile. "You can run, but you can't hide!" You yelled and picked up the two sponges that you had thrown.
    "Yeah right!" He yelled and pressed his back to the car slightly squatting. He was hiding. His heart thumped in his chest and he felt that childish thrill run through his very core. He waited for you to pop around the corner, his hose ready. (Don't even make a joke.) You snuck up the other side and smashed the two, now soaking wet, sponges on either side of his face.
  "HULK SMASH!" You yelled as he let out a dramatic gasp and turned around spraying you. You squeeled and grabbed the hose trying to pull it away. He stepped forward pulling the hose back. You moved in rythem with him and stepped back. The back of your legs hit something solid knowing it was the hood of Tony's sports car. You mentally crused, knowing Bruce had you trapped. The hose sprayed up into the air causing sprinkles of  'rain' to fall on the both of you. You both dropped the hose and it tumbled to the ground. Suddenly a laugh escaped Bruces lips, which caused you to laugh as well. Water dripped from the edges of the both of your hair and slipped to the ground unnoticed. You stared up at him with a wide childish grin, knowing he couldn't help, but to smile back.
    Thats when you suddenly realized how little space there was between the two of you. Your face immeaditly flushes as his eyes smile down at you. He had smile lines alomg his eyes and he looked happy as if he where a child again, even if it where short lived. You place your hand on his waist finding support and you laughed again, before you placed your head on his chest. His heart sped up amd he thought he might hulk out, but he did nothing to stop it. As selfish as it was, he just needed to relish in this moment with you.
    You pulled your head from his chest and smiled up at him. Boldly he kissed your forehead and snaked a hand behind your back. "Getting bold, Banner." You say slyly and pull him closer to you. His face turned beat red and he let out a soft laugh. Soap bubbled dripped down his shoulder and the water dripped from your clothes. Little did he know, you where relishing in the moment as he was.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now