Snickers & Kisses (Loki)

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     There I sat, in the middle of my couch. Why dead in the middle you ask? Well, I don't fucking know, my body just sat in the middle of the couch. I pulled out my Clearance Valentines day candy that I bought myself. Don't fucking judge me, I like too treat myself to candy. I pulled out my beloved Snicker and peeled the wrapper off slowly taking in all of it's delicious features. My mouth watered just thinking about the delightful taste of carmel, chocolate, and that weird crunchy stuff.

     "What is that?" I jumped, unfortunately dropping my Snickers. I stared at my Snickers laying there in the floor covered in dirt. That is when I wondered, Why the hell is my floor so dirty and has it been five seconds since it hit the ground? "Hello? Universe too Y/n." Loki says waving his hand infront of my eyes. It was his fault my snickers had hit the floor. How dare he?! I glares up at him and bit my lip too keep my mouth from uthering hateful words towards the 'god'. His eyebrows furrowed and he waved his fingers and the Snicker flew off the ground and into his hand. His face twisted into disgust as he picked dog fur off of it.

   "That was my Snicker, bud." I say trying not too pull him across the couch and strangle him. I had never experienced such anger towards him before. I did love him, but he just made me drop my damn Snicker. His eyes looked from the Snicker to me and raised an eyebrow.

     "Yes, was, that is a past tense word. It does not belong too you anymore." He paused and looked back to the Snicker. I attempted too snatch it from him, but he teleported too the other side of the couch. "What is this anyways? It's very dirty." He mumbled and glanced up at me with a almost unnoticeable smirk on his lips. I could tell he was enjoying this torture.

     "Well, it was clean until YOU made me drop it." I say pulling another from my bag and taking the wrapper off. He sat next too me after throwing the now useless candy bar away. "It is a candy bar. You eat it." I say popping the Snickers mini into my mouth. He held his hand out too me, as if telling me too give him one. I look at his hand then up to his face. "What is it?" I say gripping the bag tightly. He let out a soft chuckle, that was laced with amusement and mischeif.

    "You really are the sin of greed. Oh wait, or is it the sin of gluttony?" A smirk crawled onto his lips. He knew how I hated being called greedy and 'fat'. He hadn't said the words straight out, but it sure enough felt like he did. This only made me want too smack him with the bag.

     "Well, with an attitude like that you don't deserve a treat." I say and turn my head and started too unwrap another. He let out a sigh and stood up.

     "Fine. As you wish." He says and waves his hand. In an instant the bag was now in his hand and my arms cluched the now empty space. I stood up quickly, letting the Snickers wrapper fall onto the floor.

     "Loki, give them back!" I yelled trying to snatch them from his grasp. He laughed and teleported away fron me. I looked around frantically for my babies. My eyes landed on Loki who was standing behind the couch peeling a wrapper off of my child. "Noo!!" It felt like everything went in slowmotion as I raced over too the couch and the chocolate bar neared his lips. I jumped onto the couch and reached out for the Snicker, but it was too late. He had already begun too chew it. He humed in delight at my dismay and continued too chew it.

     "You know, you midgaurdians sure do come up with delicious treats." He say and reaches into the bag for another, I attempt too snatch it once again, but he quickly hids it behind his back. "You want these Snickers?" He asks holding a single mini infront of my face. I squinted at him trying too find his angle. A devilish smirk spread across his lips.

    "What's your conditions Loki?" I ask, knowing there was always an alternative motive too his actions. He laughs and grips the mini.

    "A kiss. For a single mini." He quipped and folded his arms; minis in hand. I stare longingly at the minis then up too his eyes. At this point I was trying my best not too drool over them.


     "No buts about it. That is my final offer." He hums and examins my face. Honestly kissing his wasn't a problem. Its just the fact that he was bsing a jack ass about MY bag of Snicker minis. He turns on his heeland begins too walk. "Well I'll guess I just-"

     "Wait!" I call out and crawl over the couch too stand next too him. He turns too me with a wicked smile, knowing he had won. "I'll do it." I say grabbing one of his folded arms. I stare at the bag, before drawing my eyes up to his face. He was looking down at me with a smirk.

     "What ever made you change your mind?" He asks placing a finger under my chin pulling my face towards his. I could feel my lip quiver. I honestly hadn't sweated the kiss until his slowly neared mine.

      "L-loki I-" I started, but his lips where ontop of mine before I could finish my sentence. I kissed him back gently. His lips where suprisingly cold and soft. His fingers intertwine with mine. I could feel the mini between our hands. He pulled back and I sat there breathless. I held my eyes closed for a second rethinking everything that had happened. What had I just gotten myself into? My unoccupied fingers glaced over my lips. I let out a deep sigh, now realising how much I wanted his lips ontop of mine. I opened my eyes slowly too see his eyes scanning my face and reation too the kiss. His hand pulled away from mine and I held the Snicker in hand. His face was blank, not showing any emotions. What the hell am I doing!? I threw the Snicker on the floor and grabbed his collar kissing him. He dropped the bag, letting the Snickers scatter across the floor. He kisses me back and pins me too the back of the couch, trapping me. I felt like I was his pray. A simple rabbit getting caught between the teeth of a sly fox, but I didn't mind falling into his trap. I like how his lips felt like a cool breeze on a winters night. Here one second and gone the next. We began too break each kiss into smaller kisses and I wrapped my arms around his neck leaning against his chest. His arms snake around my waist holding me tightly too him. Our lips part once more and we pant, attempting to catch our breath.

      I lean my face into his chest, still catching my breath. Whenever a thought popped into my head. "How many Snickers does that count for?" I ask trying not too laugh. He chuckled and pulled away too look at me. Thats whenever I saw it. The first genuine  smile, that I've seen, spread across his face. I mean the smile that makes your eyes squint and you can't control your face anymore. It made my heart skip in my chest. What the hell is this?

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now