How could you? (Tony)

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  You sit in your bedroom trying to get over the fact that you had been cheated on. You should have seen it coming. I mean- hey, you where dating celebrity Tony Stark/Iron man. Though you thought the day would never come, when you would catch him with someone else, but it did. It came all too late.  You had fallen for him so deeply. You knew it would take forever to get over him.
      "Why don't you just leave and go back to that cheap whore!?" Your ears perk up as you hear Natasha yell. You  down a shot and stumble into the living room.
    "Because I love her! Natasha move!" Tony yells and goes to push past her, but she pulls out a knife.
    "Take another step Stark and I will not hesitate." She says dangerously. His eyes fix on hers and tears fell from his brown eyes.
    "Please." He says with a voice crack. His eyes find fix on your stumbling figure. "Y/n!" He calls out and tries to push past Natasha who shoves his back against the wall.
    "I've got this Y/n. You can go back to the room." She says and ignores Tony's pleas.
    "No. I want to hear what he has to say." You say as your heart hammers into your chest. It took everything in you to ignore those big, brown crying puppy eyes. Natasha looks back at you and she sighs letting him go. He immediately runs over to you and tries to hug you, but you throw your arms out. "No. Don't touch me." You say and look down to the floor, before looking back up at his eyes.
    "A-are you drunk?" He asks shocked. You scoff and point at him.
   "What are you talking about? Lets get to the point. Why are you here? I left the tower for a reason." You say venmously. He could feel his heart shattering. You where drunk. Whenever you where together you refused to touch an ounce of alcohol, because you didn't want to fall into your parents patterns. He guessed, he hurt you so bad that you didn't care. You just wanted the pain to go away. It broke him. Tears stream down his cheeks and he wipes them away.
   "Y/n I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. For not putting enough time into you, for getting drunk, for cheating on you, for everything I've ever done." He chokes and stares deeply into your eyes. You stare back at him and tears prick at your eyes.
    "Why'd you do it?" You ask wiping your own tears away. He felt guilt and regret wash over him as he stares into your cold, hurting eyes.
    "I was hurting, I missed you. I wanted to use alcoho- "

    "Enough bullshit Tony!" You yell and stamp your foot. "You don't love me! You never loved me! I didn't satisfy your needs. I'll never be a top model or-or a sexy actresses!" Tears pulled from your eyes. Tony's bottom lip trembles as you begun to break down.
     "I don't want them I want you!" He yells stepping towards you. You step back and pull away from his touch. "Y/n please, give me a chance to prove myself to you." He says clinching his jaw. You stare at him tears streaming from your eyes. You wanted to be wrapped up in his arms. Only in his arms, but all you could see is him holding that slutty girl in his arms kissing her neck, the same way he did to yours.  "Y/n please, I'll do anything for you. I'm at your mercy." He begs and drops to his knees; crying. You wipe the tears from your eyes and you bite your quivering lip. You look up to Natasha who looks shocked to see Tony on his knees. Her eyes flicker up to yours and she shrugs. You look down to Tony and you grab his hand pulling him up.
    "Stop that. Its embarrassing." You say trying not to choke on your own words. "I'll give you a 2nd chance," a smile tugged onto his lips and he went in for a hug. "BUT you will have to prove yourself. " You say stepping away from him. He nods wiping the tears from his eyes.
   "Whatever you want, consider it done." He says and Natasha hands you both some tissues.
    "I want you to tell that slut, that it meant nothing to you and that you never want to see her again." You say and stare him in the eyes. He nods as if telling you to continue. "Uh-and to drop the alcohol beverage rate to a minimum." You say and point at Nat, who agreed. He raises and eyebrow and and nods.
   "Okay, whatever you want. You want to go to Paris too? We can go. Done deal." He says and talks with his hands. You smile at him slightly. It felt like you cried out all the alcohol.
   "I just want things to go back to how they where. I don't want your money, Tony. I wanted-still want you! Money can't buy me happiness." You say and step towards him. A tear falls from his left eyes as he stares at you. You reach up and wipe it away. He inhales deeply at your touch and leans into it.
    "I love you." He whispers and cups your hand.
    "Tony, I-"
  "You don't have to say anything. I understand. Just know that I love you." He whispers and kisses the palm of your hand.  You bite your lip trying to ignore the tears. Why does he make this so hard? Was it those big brown eyes or the way his hair frames his face? Maybe it was even the way he stood infront of you.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang