Stud Muffin (Tony)

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You had formulated the plan perfectly. You bought the best muffins in town and where going too give them too Tony as a suprise.
You see, lately Tony has been so caught up in work, so he hasn't been able too spend that much time with you and when he did, he would be too tired too do anything. That is why you held a cup of warm coffee and a bag full of muffins.

"Jarvis, Please alert Mr. Stark that I'm here." You say and smile confidently.

"Sure thing (Mr. Miss/insert proper gender pronoun) (L/n)" Jarvis responded and the intercom came on over his blarring music. You smiled at the thought of Tony covered in motor oil and holding new blue prints. He was fairly handsome even when he looked a mess. The door clicked and you pushed it open and saw Tony standing over the table with a new glove attached at the wrist. His eyes glanced up at you quickly, before he looked back down too the glove trying too take it off. You stifled a laugh as he struggled.

"Oh good afternoon my little stud muffin!" You cheer holding the bag and the coffee infront of you with a bright smile.

"You didn't." He smiled taking the bag, examing its contents.

"I did!" You exclaim and place a quick peck on his cheek. You wiped the motor oil from your lips and raise an eyebrow at him. "My dirty little stud muffin." You mumble and he sends you a wink. You laugh and shake your head. What did you expect? It's Tony Stark for crying out loud!

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now