Big Bang and Chill (Banner)

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        Sighing you sit on the couch with your drink in hand. Life has been kicking your ass lately. First, you get assigned a mission with Steve and Bucky. Which seems like fun, if it wasn't awkward as hell around them. You know how you wish you could be friends that one person, but everytime you talk to them it's just awkward as frick for no reason? Well that's how it is with them. Then, you tried to impress them, but only ended up injuring yourself and having to have them cover your ass. Fun times.
     So here you sit, trying to make yourself and your sprang ankle feel better. Bruce shoves ice into a Ziploc bag and wraps it up in a towel, before bringing it over to you.  "You've got to be more careful. You could've been seriously injured," he says and holds it on your ankle as you sip at your drink.
    "Yeah, lesson learned doctor," you snap and press play on 'Big Bang Theory'. As the theme song began to play you stayed silent, causing Bruce to worry. You always sang the WHOLE theme song. It actually suprised him that you caught every word that they sung.
    He scoots closer to you and wraps his arm over the backside of the couch. You hadn't noticed too lost in your own thoughts to even pay attention to the show or him, but as the show goes on you lean back onto the couch dismissing a thought in your head long enough to feel his arm behind you. You look back at his arm and up to his face. He begins laughing at one of the scientific jokes Lenorde made. As his face lit up with momentary joy, you thought about your relationship with him.
      You guys have been friends for a few years now and all the signs that he likes you are there. Plus he is rather handsome, cute, smart, some what damaged, and adorable. Hell, you have nothing else to lose. "Hey Bruce?" He turns to look at you with a faint smile across his lips. Your fingers nervous hover up his button to his cheek. He stares down at you, feeling his heart rate quicken. Of course he has a crush on you! I mean, who wouldn't? You're adorable with an amazing personality and you're compatible with him.
    As his hand cups over yours goosebumps too run up your arms and back, causing your to involuntarily shiver. "Yeah?" He asks, never breaking eyecontact with you. You smile, biting your lip out of habit, and you chuckle. He does the same, staring at your beautifully intoxicating eyes.
     "Can I try something?" You ask, running your thumb over his aftershave. His cheeks tint a lighter pink, before nodding letting you be in control. You shift your weight, causing a sharp pain to shoot up your leg. You wince and Bruce's finger place themselves along your shoulders pushing you back down into your spot.
     "Maybe it'll be better if I initiate it," he offers and cups your cheeks looking at you worriedly with his deep, creamy, chocolate eyes. Now its your turn for flushed cheeks. You laugh softly and place your hand on top of his. He leans in, watching your eyes flutter shut. He exhales staring at your lips, which are so close to his. You can feel his breath whisk against them.
     "Bruce-" you go too say feeling nervous of how long he was taking, before his lips meet yours in a gentle kiss. Your lips break monetarily, before reuniting and melting against each other. You can hear the T.V awe in the background, mainly because of the show, but you can't help to feel it was fate. His kisses ars soft and gentle, but his lips are rough and inexperienced. They fit perfectly against yours; helping you both dance too the same song in rhythm. It felt as if your fairy god mother finally granted the one wish you wanted since you were ten years old: 'To have a passionate love.'  You broke apart and panted softly. "So did you enjoy that as much as I did?" You ask opening your eyes to meet his. A big goofey grin spread across his face. He couldn't hide it, as hard as he tried. Okay, so he didn't really try to hide it, but so what?
     "Mhm," he hums and places another kiss on your lips, before leaning back onto his usual spot. You laugh and scoot up to him leaning against his arms.
    Thats when the next episode begins to play. " Our whole universe was in a hot densed state and nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started-wait. The earth began too cool. The autotrophs began to drool. Neanderthals developed tools. We built a wall. WE BUILT A PYRAMID! Math, science, history unravel the unmystery that all started with the big bang. BANG!"  You sing and fist punch the air, causing Bruce you chuckle.
     "Might want to save those big gun for the field, pal," he says and you gasp placing a hand over your chest.
     "Woow, friend zoning so soon?" You say, mocking pain. A smirk crawls over his lips and he laughs again, before pecking your lips.
    "Oh be quiet," he mumble against yours.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now