Loki x Reader (Mischief teens)

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You sat in the royal gaurden waiting for Loki. You flipped through the pages of your history book. The sun stung your (s/c) skin. In all honesty you where starting to get tired while waiting. You laied back on the grass gazing at the sky and clouds. When your eyes started to drope shut. Your book laid on your stomach. You difted off into sleep. Finally you had fell asleep and Loki cast off his invisibility spell. He snuck torwards you with a black ink. He started to draw mustaches and swirls all over her face. He snickered and sat besides her waiting to wake her until the ink dried. Loki eyes scamned the book that laid on your stomach. He picked it up and flipped through the pages until he landed on the page that you bookmarked.

"The two lovers gazed up at the clouds and relaxed in the warming silence."

Loki looked over at you then up at the clouds. He laid down besides you and twirled a piece of your hair in his finger.

"Can we be the two lovers?"
He whispers knowing you where asleep. He sighed and flopped back down next to you.

Time passed and your eyes slowly creaked open. You looked over to see Loki with his legs crossed reading your book. His eyes gazed over the the pages of the book. His fingers slowly turned the book page. You admired his completion. He seemed so at ease and relaxed. So lost in the pages of the book. A warming smile covered your face and you turned your body to get a better view. His eyes looked up at you and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you smiling at?"
His voice was slick like wet bar soap. He seemed so cold and distant. Until a small smile cracked up on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at his break im character.

You asked nervously sitting up. Knowing he was the god of mischief only made it worse. You got up quickly and ran to the fountain. You looked at your reflection in the water and gasped.

You screeched and he just laughed at your reaction. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"I'm going to get you!"
You ran torwards him and he cast his invisibility spell. You stood there dumbfounded. Panick rose in your chest.

You stood their slightly worried for yourself and him. Suddenly your legs where swept up and you where being carried by air. You yelped and squirmed as you neared the water fountain. Suddenly you where dropping into the fountain you grabbed onto what seemed to be a shirt and pulled it into the fountain with you. You both splash into the water and you see Loki on top of you faced inches apart. A wild blush covers your now smeared swirled and mustached face. A small smirk crawls onto Loki's lips.

"Don't laugh at me."
You mumble avoiding eye contact. A chuckled escapes his lips and he kisses your firehead befire helping you up.  A blush spreads wildly over your face as you get up soaked in water.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora