Unveil My Eyes (Bruce)

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A/n: The reader is blind in this one, so I hope that it doesn't trigger anyone. I would also like to say that I do not know how it feels to be blind, so I don't know the full extent of the peoples pain who are blind. I read an article by Helen Keller and it really inspired me. That is why I decied to go with something so deep. Okay to the book! ⚠️Also this is based after End Game. (Without the whole Tony thing, because Im not okay with all that.😭) ⚠️

      You grazed your fingers down the smooth walls of the hallway, until you could feel the Brail patterns.

   Your stick pokes at the door and you feel around for the handle. Ever since you were 15, you have been blind. You had been playing around with your friends on a jobsite. Your idiot friend Rosco Frisco, picked up a pressure washer, thinking it was a weird water hose, and sprayed you in the face. You had to go into emergency surgery and had been blind ever since.
    You turn the handle and push the door open. "Bruce?" You say softly and walk around the room. Your stick tapped against the floor lightly, trying not to annoy them with the constant clicking.
      "Hey, Y/n." You hear and you turn to your right. You reach your hand out trying to feel how far away he was from you. He grabs your hand and put it too his soft cheek. "I'm right here." He says softly with a warm smile. Tony rolls his eyes watching the scene. If only you could see him, you would be able to see how much Bruce adores you. It was so painstakingly obvious that it made Tony gag.
     "Oh! Hey." You say and run your fingers across the doctors scrub. A smile tuggs at your lips as you brush your fingers across his face lightly, to picture the outlines of his face and head. "Still haven't shaved?" You ask and raise an eyebrow. Bruce chuckled and shook his head.
    "No, I'm going to do it tonight." He says, defending himself. You cross your arms at him and he chuckles again. "I will! I've just been working on a very important project lately." He says and puts his hands on your shoulders. You couldn't help, but to smile. The way his voice rings in your ears always made you give in.
    "Nothing is more important than your health." You say and place a hand over his. Bruce glances up at Tony and he gives Bruce an encouraged nod.
     "Y/n, I was wondering if we could go out for dinner tonight?" Bruce quickly says changing the subject. You stand there for a minute trying to process what he had said. Did he just ask you out on a date? Your face flushes and light pink and you smile.
     "Where would we go?" You ask and your grip on your walking stick tightens.
     "Where ever you'd like." He says and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. Your hand trails back up to his face.
      "Can we stay here?" You ask and brush your fingers across his face to read his expressions. He was smiling. Butterflies fill your stomach.
     "Yeah, I'll order take-out?" He says and you nod.
   "That sounds perfect, Bruce." You say and shift on your feet. "When should I be ready or um- yeah?" You ask and tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. He chuckled and places a his large hand on your shoulder.
     "Give me three hours and I'll be ready." He says and exaims you. You had the prettiest (h/c) locks, amazingly soft looking (lip/color) lips, and baby soft (s/c) skin. He thought that if you could see what he sees, that you would learn to love yourself as he does.
    "Okay, I should go get dressed." You say and shyly remove your other hand from his face.
     "Want me to send Pepper up?" Tony calls out and you turn to were you heard his voice. You nod quickly and smile.

______________getting ready_____________

   You sat in the chair as Pepper digs through your closet. "Y/n, where are all your dresses?" She asks and runs her fingers through her hair. You laugh and lean back into the chair.
    "I guess you could say, I never cared much for appearance." You say and feel the fabrics of your soft shirt.
     "Well, I don't want you to go in sweat pants and slippers." She says and starts to dig through your closet again. "Oh! I found a jewel among cole." She says and pulls out a knee high, (f/c) dress. "Now I can do your make up?" She says and places her hands on your shoulders. "You do want make up, right?" She asks and starts to brush/comb through your hair.
    "If you want too. I don't mind either way." You say and relax into her touch, as her fingers play and style your hair.
    "I'm going to turn you into a doll." She says and starts to go to work on your make up. It is light and simple, just as you liked it. Alot of make up always made your face feel weird and icky. Maybe it is just your inner tomboy? You pick at your fingernails getting nervous. You haven't been on a date, ever. No one ever wanted to go out with your complications. You know that Bruce is different, but still you are nervous. What if he doesn't like the way you look? Your stomach began to swim witj nausea and you pinch the bridge of your nose. "It'll be okay Y/n." Pepper coes and places her hands on your shoulders. You sigh and feel up her arm to her face, so you could picture her facial expressions. Her lips were smiling. Eyebrows didn't seem to be raised.
     "I don't know." You reply and pull your hands back into your lap. "What if he doesn't like the way I look?" You ask and feel the fabrics of the dress you, have put off wearing.
    "Y/n, you know Bruce is different." She starts and grabs hold of your hand. "You have nothing to worry about. You're beautiful." She finishes and squeezes your hand. You return the favor and smile.
    "Thank you, for everything." You say and smile. "Now! Before I put it off any longer, lets get me in that dress." You say with a laugh, which she returns.

Tony/Bruce/Loki/Strange × Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now