Chapter Two

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

"So, you're in kindergarten now, right?" I tease Prim as I drive her to school.

She rolls her eyes, "No, Katniss. I'm in seventh grade!"

"Oh, that's right."

"And you're in eleventh grade?" She asks me.

"Yep." I say.

"Wow." Prim frowns.

I glance at her, "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just gonna be sad when you leave me."

I sigh, "Two more years but I'll come see you all the time. But don't worry about it, that's along time from now." I say truthfully.

"I know but it's just around the corner." She says.

"It'll be fine. I promise." I assure her as I pull up to her school.

"There's Rue! I'll see you later!" She says excitedly and gets out of the far.

"Have great day." I say, watching my sister head into the middle school for her first day.

She smiles and walks into the building with Rue, not looking back.

I pull out of the middle school and head across town to the high school.

Unfortunately, since I didn't get much sleep last night, I've been running late all morning.

I am still jittery from the lack of sleep and my nerves but I guess I am just excited to be back and see everyone, I'm sure that's it.

Maybe everything I was thinking last night was just something I made up.

But it seems like no matter how hard I try I can't push back this feeling of loneliness.

I seriously do not know why I am thinking about having a boyfriend.

It is not like me at all, so I just need to begin thinking clearly and like myself again and this will all go away soon, I'm sure.

I push off the thought completely when I walk into school, only to be surprisingly bombarded by my friends.

"Hey, Kat!" My best friend Finnick says excitedly.

"Hi." I say, trying to sound cheerful.

"Katniss, you should've come over yesterday." Madge says to me.

I shrug, "Oh, sorry."

"You haven't been around much this summer." Annie says with a frown.

"An invitation to any of your events would've been nice." I mumble under my breath and plop down into a chair, looking over my schedule.

They don't hear me and go back to talking amongst themselves.

Nothing new, especially since they all decided hormones were more important than their friendships.

They'll all go on dates together and then get mad when I don't show up but most of the time they don't even bother to invite me in the first place.

It's kind of hard to do things with them when they ignore my calls, texts and me when I'm with them in person.

All of them are in a relationship and I am the only one that is single in this group and maybe that's why I never see them.

I just realized that I am the odd ball.

And it never really bothered me until now.

After a while, we begin discussing our schedules and it turns out none of my classes consist of any one of my friends.

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