Chapter Twenty-Three

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Katniss POV-

(Peeta's letter)


Thank you so much for last night and for being my friend. I hope you have a good day. Enjoy your breakfast.

Love, Peeta."

(End of letter)

I am sitting in my car, smiling from ear to ear.

Of course, we have had our bad moments but when everything's good, it's more like it's perfect.

I carefully place the letter in the pocket of my hoodie and head inside to find my mother in the kitchen.

I put the plate of Peeta's pancakes in front of her because there is way more here than I could eat.

"What's this?" She asks me.

"Peeta, made us breakfast and look." I say taking the letter from my pocket and placing it in front of her.

She glances down and reads it, "That is sweet, Katniss. What did you two do last night?"

I shake my head, "Nothing but did you read the best part?"

She glances down again and then smiles.

"I told you." She says with a satisfied look.

"I know. And he was afraid to help me with another guy because he wanted me for himself." I explain to her.

It feels good to say things like that.

"I'm glad you two have gotten so close. But again, what did you two do last night?" She asks, pointing to that section of the letter.

"Mom, Peeta isn't like that." I assure her.

That's when I remember what he did last night.

"Well, just because he is a nice guy doesn't mean he doesn't want to have sex with you." She says. 

"Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you and you decide whether Peeta is different or not." I say and decide to have some fun.

My mom nods and I begin, "I fell asleep last night when we were talking. We had already made up. And I woke up this morning in his bed." I pause to get a rise out of her, trying to hold back a mischievous grin.

Her eyes widen angrily, "Katniss! If you woke up in his bed you obviously slept with him." She says and slides the plate of pancakes towards me.

I burst out laughing and she doesn't seem to think it's funny but it actually really is.

"Mom, I woke up in his bed and he had stripped me." I pause again and quickly continue before she explodes.

"He stripped me of my shoes, I mean. I was fully clothed. I woke up and looked down on the floor next to his bed and he was asleep in a sleeping bag."

"He gave me his bed but I think most guys would either make you sleep on the floor, couch, or just hop in bed with you!" I say truthfully.

I know that's what happens at my friends houses when their girlfriends stay.

Her face still shows she is unconvinced.

"The night he was going to stay over before our fight he told me that he would never sleep with me. He said he respected me too much to do such a thing with anyone unless they were married."

Her face softens. 

"Peeta also said he respected you for protecting me and even assuming that's what he wanted because most guys would want that." I say, ending it there.

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