Chapter Thirty-Five

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Katniss POV- (Thursday, Thanksgiving Day)

I wake up all sweaty and stuck to Peeta but happily in his arms.

I push the heavy blanket off my sweaty body, careful not to startle Peeta.

I think we had about 7 blankets on us last night because it was so cold before we fell asleep.

I turn my head slightly careful not to wake Peeta and I see my mother and Prim still sound asleep across from us.

They all three look so happy and peaceful.

Especially, my mother.

I am really glad my mom and I have grown back together this past year, it's made everything that much better for Prim and I.

And I only have Peeta to thank for it too.

I don't know what it is about him but Mom just loves him.

Then I can't help myself.

I lean up and give Peeta a soft kiss on the tip of his nose.

His long, blond eye lashes flutter open revealing his ocean blue eyes.

His eyes focus on me and he gives me a warm, sleepy smile, happy to be waking up next to me, as I was him.

I return the smile, laying my head on his arm, wanting him to know that I wanna enjoy this moment just a little longer.

He rubs my back softly, it instantly warms me again, but still leaves a thousand goosebumps on my skin.

My guess is it's about 6:30 so it's too early to get up yet.

We lay there in the early morning hours for I don't know how long, just enjoying each other's presence and silence.

I don't know why, but ever since we met, I have felt this connection with Peeta that I don't feel with anyone else.

It's as if we can read each others minds.

I mean we really don't have to actually speak to communicate, it just happens.

Through our eyes, our hearts.

Peeta and I lay silent for a little bit longer and then I hear his stomach grumble.

"I'm hungry too." I turn and whisper in his ear.

"What?" He whispers back with a laugh.

"I'm hungry too."

"Too?" Peeta asks, confused.

"You were thinking that you are starving and you know I am too so you thought about warming up some cheese buns." I whisper with a grin.

"You're so right, I was thinking that...or you just heard my stomach growl and you're hungry." He says.

I giggle quietly, "You got me there."

Peeta smirks and we again fall silent.

He speaks up, "You were thinking about us, weren't you? All of us. Me, Prim, and your mom."

"Yeah, how did you know that?" I ask him.

"I don't know, I could just tell when you woke me up that you were happy."

"I was happy because of you all." I admit to him.

Peeta must feel that connection too.

He smiles, rubbing warmth into my shoulder.

I give him a kiss on the cheek as we snuggle a little closer.

His stomach growls again and I grin.

"How about I go warm us up some of those cheese buns, Katniss?" Peeta suggests.

I snort, quickly unraveling us from the blankets, jumping up and grabbing Peeta's hand, using all my might, I pull him up.

"Wow, you've muscled up." He whispers loudly.

"Well, when your boyfriend is a baker and you enjoy helping him, you beef up a bit. In both fat and muscle." I say softly as we sneak into the kitchen.

Peeta takes the cheese buns from the refrigerator and to make things quicker, puts them in the microwave and before I know it we're stuffing cheese buns down our throats.

"Gosh, these are so good." I groan happily.

Peeta nods his head, "They really are. We outdid ourselves here, darling."

I chuckle, "You did, Mr. Baker Boy."

He gives me a smirk.

As soon as we are finished, I decide we ought to start preparing for tonight's dinner.

Well, at least get the turkey started because it's gonna take awhile for it to cook.

Peeta and I get the turkey in the oven around 8 and spend the next couple of hours listening to music and dancing around the kitchen in our pajamas and socks.

Mom and Prim wake up around 10.

They eat a quick breakfast and Prim suggests we go for a walk so we do.

Once we all get on our coats and shoes, we head out the door and we are shocked to see...

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