Chapter Seventy-Nine

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

I struggle to move as someone buries their face into my hair.

I slowly open my eyes and see Peeta's head shoved into the crook of my neck.

My hair is all in his face but he doesn't seem to care.

His arm is sprawled across me but I'm guessing he is asleep, I'm not sure.

"Peeta?" I whisper, to see if he stirs.

He doesn't, so I know that he is asleep.

I smile at the sight of him, my eighteen year old boyfriend doing childish things like cuddling up to my hair or holding me as tightly as he is now.

I lay in an at eased silence and just enjoy every single second I get to spend with him, whether he's awake or not.

After awhile, I decide to wake him up for three reasons:

1. I'm starving.

2. If he sleeps half the day, he will most likely stay up most of the night.

3. I really need to pee.

I carefully turn my body to come face to face with him.

"Peeta? Will you let go of me, please?..." I whisper into his ear.

His arm still sprawled across my body protectively, it takes a second, but he opens his eyes.

"Oh, good morning." He smiles.

"Hi, cutie" I laugh, remembering his earlier actions.

"Why are you laughing at me?" He asks me, confused.

"You woke me up by burying your face into my hair and then locked your arm around me." I say, smiling.

His face begins to grow red with embarrassment.

"Aw, Peeta. You are blushing!" I say as his face turns redder.

He has done this to me so many times and it's his turn for some teasing now.

"That is awfully cringey. I'm sorry that I woke you." Peeta apologizes embarrassedly.

"It's fine. You are honestly the cutest thing ever." I smirk at his sleep face.

He brings his hands to his face and buries his face into his hands.

Peeta Mellark is embarrassed.

"Hey." I begin, he looks up at me and smiles lightly but face still reddened with embarrassment.

"You're perfect." I say and bring my lips to his, softly.

"I love you." Peeta whispers.

Our foreheads pressed together and our eyes glued together, we lay here face to face.

"I could tell by the way you cuddled up to me earlier!" I burst out laughing, ruining the perfect moment.

"Katniss..." Peeta whines, as his face once again reddens.

"Payback, Peeta. All those times you thought it was funny to make me blush." I say, kissing his nose.

"I'm sorry." He says with an evil grin.

"No, you're not." I giggle.

"I know but neither are you." He laughs.

"I'm not but that's okay!" I say and roll to the side of the bed, jump up, and run to the bathroom.

"Katniss!" Peeta hollers laughing.

"I have to go pee!" I call back.

The second I walk out, Peeta jumps out from behind the other side of the wall, causing me to  jump and squeal.

"Peeta! Stop, you scared me to death!" I giggle, playfully pushing and running past him.

"Come here!" Peeta laughs.

"No way!" I say and run back by him quickly, secretly hoping for him to catch me.

Peeta's long arms extend out and he grabs me and pulls me close. He spins me around and falls flat on his back, me on top.

"You know, you're not suppose to be running around like this, Mister." I say softly.

"It's worth it, I promise." Peeta says and you can feel his breath on mine.

"This isn't even weird for you, is it?" I ask smiling.

"A little but that's okay, I kind of like it."

I laugh and lean my forehead against his lips, "Me too."

Peeta smiles.

"I'm really hungry." I whine.

He snorts and begins to sit up.

I sit up too so that I'm sitting on his lap.

He brings his lips to my ear.

"If you get off of me, I'll make you some cheese buns." He whispers in my ear, making me shiver.

My eyes widen and I immediately jump off of him, helping him up. He laughs as I drag him to the kitchen. Seconds later, he begins making my cheese buns.

"Here you go, my Princess." Peeta tells me later as he places a plateful of cheese buns in front of me.

I smile, but not at his words.

I smile because he handed me a plate full of my favorite food.

"Thank you." I say, flipping my hair back playfully.

"You're so beautiful, Katniss." Peeta says as he sits next to me.

"Thank you, so are you." I laugh, stuffing cheese buns into my mouth.

It sounds weird for a guy to be called 'beautiful' but Peeta is beautiful.

He isn't just beautiful physically but personality-wise, he is.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks me.

"You can't do much so I don't know." I reply.

"What if we had Finnick and Annie come over?" I suggest after a few minutes of wracking my brains out to think of something.

"Okay, sure." He says, plopping down on the couch.

"Okay, I will call them now." I say, grabbing my phone off the island. I dial Finnick's number and turn it on speaker phone.

A few seconds later, he answers.

(On the phone with Finnick)

"Peetie-Pie!" Finnick hollers to the phone.

I look over at Peeta and he smiles and I roll my eyes, "Hey, Finnick." I say.

"Oh, hey Kat. How is life treating you?" He asks with a laugh.

"Really good. Well, the other day Peeta had to go to the hospital because he passed out from exhaustion but-"

I'm cut off.

"Oh no! Is Peeta alright?" Finnick asks worriedly.

Peeta begins laughing and so do I.

"Finny! I'm fine, I promise!" Peeta shouts from across the room.

"Oh, Peeta. I will be at your house soon to visit you. Okay?" Finnick says.

"Actually, Peeta and I have an apartment together now and we were calling to see if you and Annie would like to come over later?" I explain.

"Oh, of course. Text me the address and we will be over around seven." Finnick says and we hang up.

I go over and sit next to Peeta on the couch.

"What would we do without the great Finnick Odair?" I ask, as Peeta puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Life would be boring." Peeta says, pulling me closer to him.

"Agreed." I say with a shake of my head.

For the rest of the day, we just lounge around and rest until Finnick and Annie arrive at seven.

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