Chapter Eighty-Three

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Katniss POV-

Peeta takes a deep breath, "I know that it's probably hard for you to talk about but could we talk about your dad?" He asks me nervously.

My dad? He wants to know about my dad?

I haven't really told Peeta much about him, only of his death and most of the talk was of my mother's depression.

"Only if you want to."

I think he deserves to know and it may help Peeta calm me down when I have nightmares about my father, which is luckily rare now.

"Sure, it's fine. You deserve to know more about my past if you want to. Ask me anything, it doesn't bother me a bit." I tell him truthfully.

I trust him.

"Okay, you are sure?"

I flip over on to my back and sit up, Peeta stays laying down, "Of course, ask me anything you want to know." I say assuringly.

"Will you tell me your favorite memory of him?" He asks me sweetly.

I smile and I think back to those days in the woods with my father, so long ago. It seems like ages but it was a little over seven years ago.

"I remember we always used to go hunting. He taught me to use a bow and arrow. We would just hang out and one day, we found this little lake just outside of town. We would swim and pick roots and flowers and just have fun together. I have a lot of good memories with my dad so I don't really know my favorite." I say smiling as I think back to those days.

"That is really great. I think I would've liked him a lot." Peeta looks me in the eye with a grin.

"He would have loved you." I tell him truthfully, proud.

Even though I never really wanted it, all my father ever wanted was for Prim and I to find someone who treated us like royalty and someone to love us as much as he had.

And I found him.

"That's what your mom told me too." Peeta says softly.

"Really? Then you know I'm not just saying it." I tell him.

"I know that you're not." Peeta says quietly.

"Your mom told me the other day how your father would've really approved of me and how much she approved of me." Peeta says in a spacious tone.

"That is good. Don't forget that you're the one that helped bring her out of her depression, for the most part. That first night you met." I remind him.

"Yeah, that's what you both say and I don't know how I did it but I think that is really awesome." Peeta says with a chuckle.

"It is very awesome. Amazing actually. You've changed all of our lives for the better." I say, taking his hands in mine and pull them to my lap.

"But back to my dad, he would've really loved you. You have done so much for me and for Prim and Mom, that I know he loves you. And I'm sure he is happy that I found someone that treats me right and loves me." I say, making little circles on the back of his hand with my index finger.

"I'm so glad to have you. I love you so much, Katniss." He says and sets his hand on top of mine.

I flip my hand over so that I am gripping his. I give it a tight squeeze and reply, "I love you too. More than anything and anyone." I smile.

I rarely get this intimate with Peeta but when I do, I know that he feels so special and he deserves it.

"Thank you." Peeta says and you can hear the smile and happiness rise in his voice.

"I'm gonna fall asleep soon. We better turn out the light." I say in a dead to the world voice.

He chuckles and gets up, flipping out the light and walking back over.

He slips under the sheets with me, "Goodnight." Peeta says, holding me tightly.

"Goodnight, I love you." I say again as I pull the covers up over us.

He kisses my cheek, making a smacking noise.

I smile and he says, "I love you too. Never ever forget that."

My heart feels so full as we fall asleep.

He makes me so happy.

Peeta makes me feel as if nothing could ever go wrong but sometimes, that is not always the case.

I just have to remember the good times don't always last forever and neither do the bad.

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