Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Katniss POV-

"Have a good nap?" My mother asks us as we sit at the table.

"Yes." Peeta and I say in unison, nonchalantly.

I look across at Prim and she just looks at me.

I sigh, I'm gonna have to talk with her later.

We all make our plates and Peeta speaks up, "May I say a few things before we eat?" He asks my mother.

She nods expressionlessly and Peeta turns to me.

"Katniss?" He asks.

I look up into his nervous eyes, "Yeah,

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything. For being my best friend and for always being there for me when I need you." He says softly.

I smile at him and he turns to my mom.

"Mrs. Everdeen, thank you for always allowing me into your home and for trusting me to date Katniss." He says and she smiles.

"Prim?" Peeta says turning to her.

"What?" My sister asks, brightening up a little for him.

"Thanks for being my friend and always making Katniss so happy." He smiles.

She scoffs cluelessly, "You make Katniss happier though."

All three pairs of blue eyes find mine, waiting for an answer.

I laugh nervously, "Actually you all three make me really, really happy." I admit to them all.

Peeta sits down again and I take his hand from under the table.

He gives my hand a squeeze and I squeeze his back.

"Well, thank you for that. I really appreciate all you do for us and for Katniss. You are so good to her and to us. Know that you are always welcome here." My mother says kindly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Everdeen." Peeta says with a smile.

I mouth an 'I love you' to him and he mouths it back.

We all dig in, getting a little bit of everything and before I know it, I'm stuffed.

We have turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cheese buns and many other delicious sides.

Afterwards, we are so stuffed that we couldn't eat Peeta's desserts, so we decided to go take another nap in front of the fireplace, that is, thanks to Peeta, now lit and producing heat.

Not long after we lay down, I hear soft snores and look over to see Prim and my mother on the opposite couch asleep already.

I look up at Peeta and he is wide awake, just like me. I guess our previous nap still proves effective.

I lay next to Peeta on the couch my mother calls a 'love seat' and I turn onto my stomach, so that my chin is resting on Peeta's collar bone. He looks down at me and smiles.

"You're so beautiful." Peeta whispers, pushing hair of my eyes.

I smile embarrassedly and lean my face down into Peeta's chest, breathing in his sweet scent.

"Peeta, can I tell you something?" I bring my head up to look him in the eyes.


"I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for you." I say nervously, I'm horrible with words.

He smiles sadly.

"I know I don't tell you this enough but thank you. From day one you have been so kind to me. You always make me smile even though I am stubborn and don't want to sometimes but I'm just really happy your in my life." I say truthfully, my eyes growing heavy with tears.

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