Chapter Thirty-Two

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Katniss POV-

"Oh, I know what we could do!" Peeta says, throwing his hands together.

I giggle, "What is that?"

"I say we paint together again. But instead of separate canvases lets use the same and make one big piece." He suggests.

I chuckle, "That would be fun but I don't want you to waste your new stuff on my lack of talent. How about you paint something and I'll watch you?"

Peeta makes a face, "But Katniss, I'm the birthday boy." He whines.

I give him a serious 'No way' look and he grins then takes my hands into his and gently rubbing his thumb across mine.

An action that he knows will get him almost anything he wants.

"Please? I really really wanna paint with you." Peeta tells me and gives me a pouty lip.

I contemplate it.

"Okay, we can paint."

I give in quicker than usual but it is his birthday and he's not asking for much.

"Let's get started." I tell him softly.

Peeta smiles and begins gathering up all the supplies for the new painting that I'll be assisting him with.

I lean up against the table, "What are we making?"

"We are going to make a painting of the most beautiful couple ever. The guy is very good looking, with blond hair and blue eyes." Peeta begins and I laugh because he's totally describing himself.

I chuckle and nod my head as he continues.

"The girl is the most gorgeous person in the world. She has dark brown hair and the most beautiful gray eyes and every single feature of her face and body is pure perfection." He tells me seductively.

I laugh, "And this boy you tell me of, you give little detail. I think you forgot the parts of him that include things his muscles and his adorable face. Oh and his cute butt." I wink and Peeta laughs at me.

"And you forgot one more thing." I say face to face with him.

"And what is that?" Peeta asks.

"His ability to light up the whole town with his smile." I say and Peeta closes his eyes, as if to bask in the moment.

Just before he can speak again, I cut him off.

"You also forgot that he is the sweetest, funniest, most kindhearted, loving, and beautiful best friend anyone could ask for." I say, giving him a quick but passionate pecks on the lips in between words.

"And Katniss, one more thing I forgot to say about him." He says in between my kisses.

"Hmmm?" I say, still kissing him rapidly.

"That this guy loves his girlfriend more than anything or anyone." He says into my ear stopping my repetitive kisses.

"You forgot something about the girl, too."

Peeta glances back up at me, "So much we've forgotten." He laughs, "What is that?"

"That she loves her boyfriend just as much."

Peeta gives me a big wet kiss upon my cheek making a smacking noise.

I smile at him and he looks into my eyes, our foreheads slowly leaning in.

"Let's get started?" He asks me after a few moments of getting lost in the moment.

"Okay." I say and we begin to paint my favorite picture of us, after I watch him sketch it out of course.

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