Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Mrs. Everdeen POV-

"Kat, do you wanna go out with me today? Prim is gone to Rue's today."

I really hope that she agrees.

It will give her some time to get her mind off of Peeta and will also give us some alone bonding that we haven't had in forever.

Still trying to make up for lost time when I was in my depression.

I doubt we will ever get that time back.

"I'm sorry, I just really don't feel like it right now." Katniss mumbles.

"Katniss, come on. We haven't had time just me and you since before Prim was born and your father's passing." I say.

"Yeah, well, a lot of that isn't my fault."

"I know. It was mine."

She groans and sits up a little.

"What will this time together involve?" She asks me, raising her eyebrows.

"I don't know. I just thought we could go to the little shops in the Hob or something. We can talk too if you want?"

"I guess. I haven't been to town in awhile and I need to get my mind off of Peeta anyways. Sure, let's go." She shrugs.

I smile, even though she's not very enthusiastic about it.

"Let me grab my purse and we can go." I say with a huge grin.

I have been waiting for a day I could spend some alone time with my eldest daughter but there hasn't been an opportunity until now.

Until Peeta came into the picture, I was convinced she hated me.

I retrieve my purse and we go to town.

The first stop was the Hob was for some soup at Greasy Sae's booth.

I used to come here all the time with my husband and we also brought Katniss here several times as well.

"Hi, how may I help you-oh my goodness? Is that Katniss?" Sae says, recognizing me right off the bat, then Katniss.

She pulls Katniss into an awkward hug.

Katniss gives me a look that says 'help me' I give her a nod, letting her know that it's okay.

"Yes." Speaks Katniss shyly.

"You are so beautiful. I haven't seen you since you were about 3 or 4." Sae says, looking her over.

Katniss smiles a little, "I am actually 17 now."

I am happy to see her smiling again, even if it's just a little.

"Well, my goodness girl." Sae says patting my shoulder.

"Hello, Sae." I say.

"I can't believe how big and more beautiful she has gotten. I bet she has a handsome boyfriend too, huh?"

Katniss face goes from somewhat of a smile to a frown in the matter of seconds.

"Yes, I have too agree Katniss has gotten bigger and more beautiful and on that boyfriend thing...They hit a rough spot." I say, not sure if I am saying the right thing.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore, Mom." Katniss says, her jaw clenched angrily.

I give Sae a look and she nods.

"Well, Katniss, don't get down about it. I promise if you are meant to be together, you will be together. If not, that just means that there's someone else out there for you." Sae says as she pours us both a bowl of her soup.

"I don't want anyone else." Katniss says.

Sae places the soup in front of us and we begin to eat, "Why not? There are plenty of other fish in the sea." Sae tells her.

Katniss gives her a scowl, "We were made for each other and if I'm not with him, I'm not going to be with anyone else." Katniss tells her truthfully.

My heart breaks for her.

She's not like Prim, she has never talked about boys or her future or really even her friends, she's always been a keep-to-herself kid and for Peeta to change that within a week was something special, I think.

"What's keeping you from being together then?"

"It's complicated."

"Did he cheat?"

Katniss shakes her head.

"Abuse you?"

She shakes her head.

"Stop loving you?"

"I don't know."

"Did you stop loving him?"


"Then what's stopping you from being together?"

Katniss ignored Sae's comment.

In a matter of fifteen minutes, we are both finish our soup.

We bid Sae a goodbye and I thank her.

Then we head into the next shop.

After about three hours of seeing old friends and window shopping, we head home.

"Katniss, even if you don't get back with him, will you promise me that you will try to get better?" I ask out of the blue and breaking the silence.

"Why should I promise you that when you never tried?" She shoots back.

I ignore her remark, though I know it's true.

Should have seen that one coming.

"You need to let things stop bothering you and I know it's hard because you and Peeta are so close but I promise you Peeta is equally as upset, if not worse off than you." I say, my eyes locked on the road.

Katniss let's out a groan, "I know and I don't want him to be. He doesn't deserve to be sad and depressed."

"Neither do you. You both deserve to be happy and you are each others happiness." I say letting out the truth.

Those two make each other happy, I know that much.

"I really want to make it better with him but I'm not sure how or when or if we can ever fix it." Katniss replies.

"Well, just let it happen when you feel it's the right time." I say as we pull into the driveway.

"Thanks." Katniss shrugs as she exits the car.

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