Chapter Thirty-Three

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Katniss POV-

"What now?" He asks me knowingly, knowing that I'm stalling sleep even though that's what we both desperately desire.

"Let's play this game where I say a word and then you say a word and then we make a sentence and see how weird it is?"

"That won't be hard." He chuckles.

"Or we could go to bed." I shrug my shoulders.

"Hmmm, as lovely as sleep sounds right now, I kinda wanna play this game you speak of." Peeta says with a serious and mischievous tone of voice.

"Okay, let me get some paper and a pen!" I say leaping from my bed to retrieve a pen and paper.

I lean against my head board, but sit criss-crossed, "Here. Sit in front of me and face the door." I direct him.

"What are you doing?" Peeta asks, very confused.

"Using you to write on or as it may suit your fancy, my art easel." I say fancily.

"Oh, oh, oh." Peeta sings, laughing hysterically.

It has finally hit 5am.

And we are definitely in that 'everything is hilarious' stage of the night and I love it.

"Okay, you ready?" I ask, my notebook pressed up against Peeta's back and a pen in hand.

"Yes, I'm ready." He says.

"Okay, you first. Just say a word to start the sentence." I say.

"Where did you learn this game?" He says.

I playfully bop his head with the pen, "Just one word."

Peeta flinches, "Hey, I know. That wasn't my word obviously. I'm just curious to where you found this game."

"I learned it from Effie." I admit embarrassedly.

"No wonder you're being all strict about the rules. Bopping my head with the pen. You learned this from Effie for sure. Rules, rules, rules." Peeta goes on, teasing me.

I snort, "Oh, whatever. Just go." I say with a smile.

"I." He begins.


"Katniss." He says and I giggle.


"Katniss." He repeats my name.


"Peeta." He cheers.

I laugh and nod my head, kissing his cheek.

"Pizza." I begin again.


"Amazing." I say peppily.











"Cheese buns!" I squeal happily.

Peeta smiles proudly at me and continues.





"Tummy." He says and I can hear his voice getting breathy from containing his laughter.




"Hamburger." He says and pats his stomach.


"Pluto?" Peeta finishes and before I know it we are both hysterically laughing.

This goes on forever and I continue writing and we end up with this really super crazy but hilarious bunch sentences.

I decide to hang it on my wall next to my dandelion picture, Peeta agrees it's the perfect place.

After a little while we decide it's time to call it a night even though it's very much now early morning.

"I love you and thank you for making this the best birthday I've ever had." Peeta says to me from his sleeping bag, turning to face me.

I turn his way too, "Goodnight, Peeta. I love you too. Happy 18th birthday." I say with a big grin.

"Katniss?" He says.


"It's not my birthday anymore. It's 6am." Peeta laughs.

I scoff and roll my eyes even though he can't see, "Well, I haven't slept since your birthday so it's still your birthday until I wake up tomorrow, okay?" I laugh.

"Until you wake up later today, okay."

"Oh hush." I smirk, throwing a pillow down on him.

"Rude." Peeta says, chunking it back up onto my bed.

"Goodnight, Princess!" Peeta says and makes kissing noises.

"Goodnight, Birthday Boy." I say, emphasizing 'Birthday Boy' just because of the remark he made just seconds ago.

Despite feeling wired, I quickly fall into a peaceful, yet dreamless sleep, feeling safe and sound knowing Peeta is by my side.

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