Chapter Ninety-Four

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Katniss POV- (A few days later)

Peeta and I leave for college in less than a week so I've decided before I go, I have to fix things between my mother and I.

I haven't spoken to her in two months, even Peeta has.

And I asked him to stay home today and told him I could handle it but the truth is, I am not sure if I can.

I am not so sure that I won't just explode on my mother even though I have no reason to.

I'm not so sure that I won't break down, but I'm positive we both will.

But some battles you just have to face alone, without your sidekick.

Peeta and I are so close that it is hard to not have him here but I know he can't always help me, especially with things like this.

I pull into the driveway of my old home, the house I haven't been in, in over three months.

I already feel tears burn my eyes but I know it's too late to turn back and that this is something I must do.

I have to do it before I leave because who knows what could happen to my mother while I'm away or what could happen to me.

I may never have this opportunity again and I'll regret it if I don't take it now.

I get out of the car and slowly walk up the drive way.

I am stalling, I know it but I'm also trying to think of what I'm going to say.

I then remember, I have stuff that I purchased for her in District 4 in the car so I turn around, running to retrieve it.

I finally make it to the door and knock a few times and step back and wait nervously.

A few seconds later, my mother comes to the door.

"Katniss." My mother whispers, softly and you can hear the shock and pain in her voice.

She looks like she's seen a ghost.

"Hi." I say softly, already trying to hold back tears.

"Come in, please." She steps back and I walk into the house.

It is just the way I left it, well, except it's missing two of its old occupants.

Prim and I.

"I just wanted to bring you this." I say awkwardly handing her the things I bought her.

"Oh, thank you. That was very nice of you." Mom says back, in an equally awkward tone.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for the way that I acted a few months back." I start.

She tries to speak but I cut her off, "I should've been there for you because you were hurting just as bad as I was and I never ever should've blown up on you like I did."

My mother stands there, as stiff as a board.

"Katniss, I know you were upset and I don't blame you for anything that was done." She says, obviously frustrated with the whole situation, just as I am.

Hot tears stream down my face and I try to stop them.

I look into her eyes.

The eyes that I have seen so much sadness in.

That saddens was gone for what seemed like a second but quickly returned after Prim's death.

I walk forward and hug her tightly. "I love you." I whisper guiltily.

I never open up.

I've only opened up to her just a few times, this being one of the few.

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