Chapter Fifteen

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Peeta POV-

"Peeta?" I hear my brother, Ryan, calling me.

What have I done now?

I roll my eyes and ignore it.

Suddenly, he bangs on my bedroom door, making me jump.

"I don't know what the hell you did to Katniss but you better fix it! She came by and she deserves an explanation." He says.

I roll my eyes, can't my family stay out of my business?

All week my brothers and my Dad have been teasing me about her and I'm over it.

"Really though. You need to fix this now. Katniss is really upset." I hear him say.

My heart races as I think about it.

"She asked me to give you this..." Ryan says softly, slipping a folded piece of paper under my door.

I groan and get out of my mess of blankets to retrieve the piece paper.

I pick it up and see it's from Katniss.

I begin reading the letter, feeling even more guilty than I did before but not knowing how to fix it.

I get back into my bed but not before laying the letter on my desk, out of my sight.

How could I be jealous because she realized she liked someone and that someone wasn't me?

I'm such a jerk.

I told her she would find someone but I didn't think it would be so soon, within hours of me telling her that.

She never even acted like she was interested in anyone else but she didn't act interested in me either so I don't know what to think.

And I know I should be happy for her but I'm not.

I am suppose to be her best friend if nothing else. I know that much for sure.

And all week I've made her promises that I know in my heart weren't empty promises so why am I doing this to her now?

It's not her fault at all.

It's mine.

Eventually, I fall into a deep sleep away from my pathetic life, even if it is just a few hours.

(Later that night, 10:58pm)

I slept a lot longer than I thought, but not long enough to be rid of this day.

I groan and look at my phone.

I see that I do not have any new messages from Katniss and I'm kind of disappointed.

I can fix this, right now if I just call her, so that's what I do.

The phone rings and rings and she never answers so I wait a few minutes and call back.

Again, no answer.

Maybe she changed her mind about wanting to fix things or wanting me to call her?

Maybe she's with that guy she was talking about?

She probably was so upset with me that she gained the courage to tell whoever it is her feelings for him.

I was stupid to think I had a chance with her or to think for one second that maybe she liked me too.

I just wish that I knew what that almost kiss meant the other night.

We were so close and then we wouldn't have to be doing this.

We would've known right then if the feeling was mutual or if it was just a hormonal whim on either of our parts.

I send her a text before I even think through the words that I say.

(Text to Katniss)

"I got your letter. I tried calling but I guess you changed your mind but that is okay. I'm not upset by it because I understand that you needed time to think. I have some thinking of my own to do now so please, don't bother coming by or contacting me again for awhile. It's better if I figure this out on my own."

I hit send and immediately regret it.

That is a lie.

I want to see Katniss right now more than anyone in the world and I want to speak to her.

I want her to come by and call and text but that won't happen now and I needed to see her.

I'm not gonna figure it out on my own because I can't.

She's the only one who can help me but at the same time, it's breaking me to think about how betrayed I feel by her.

I should be happy she's even attempted to fix things with me because I don't deserve even that.

Katniss POV-

I wake up and turn on my phone.

I get a text message immediately and two missed call notifications, all from Peeta.

My heart drops and then starts beating uncontrollably.

I read his text message and I'm infuriated and hurt.

He is overreacting to this entire situation.

It could be so simply solved.

I had no idea he was this sensitive or dramatic but I know that I'm the same way at times.

Most of the time, I suppose.

I get up and get dressed, not even attempting to look decent today.

And I am done trying with Peeta, at least for now.

Maybe at school today we could find a time to talk things through, make up.

(Later that morning)

I walk into school and head straight for my locker right next to Peeta's and see there's no sign of him.

All last week we met here before first period but again, why would he meet me?

He's probably going to attempt to avoid me at all costs, despite having the exact same schedule.

Maybe he is already in the classroom?

I go to first period and he never shows up.

I go to the next class and the next.

By lunch, I am furious.

He didn't even show up to school.

I just don't even know what to think about him anymore. I thought Peeta was this wonderful friend and I thought that I loved him but I misjudged his true personality, I suppose.

No one can stay nice and polite forever.

There's always a breaking point, his just came extremely sooner than I could have ever imagined.

I sit by myself at lunch but the worst part of it is, my friends don't even notice my absence.

I haven't felt this lonely in forever it seems, even before I met Peeta.

It's like I'm invisible when he's not here.

Nobody even attempts to speak to me the entire day.

Not my friends.

Not the other students.

Not my teachers.

And not Peeta.

Finally, I've had enough.

I don't care what he said, after school I am going to his house and I am not leaving until we at least talk.

I will not give up on him, even if it doesn't end happily.

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