Chapter Seventy-Six

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Katniss POV-

I wake up in an unfamiliar place.

I turn over and that's when I see a very familiar face and then I remember everything.

I reach for my phone and see that the time is ten in the morning, I look back down and see my sleeping boyfriend.

Peeta is so perfect.

I guess he decided not to go to work after all.

I smile to myself, remembering everything we talked about last night.

I gently take his hand in mine.

This disturbs him enough that he opens his eyes and I freeze, with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

He gives me a soft, sleepy smile.

"I'm sorry that I woke you up." I whisper breathily.

"It's okay, I could feel it, you know? That is what woke me." Peeta tells me.

"Felt what?" I ask him, confused.

"Tingles." Peeta informs me simply.

"You feel them too?" I ask him with a grin.

"I feel it in my stomach when I see you and when I hear your voice too." He explains.

"I feel it too, every time. My heart races a thousand miles an hour." I admit.

"Mine too." He says, bringing his face closer to mine.

"You're not planning on working today, are you?" I ask him suspiciously.

"Yes, I actually am." He says, pecking my lips quickly and jumping out of bed.

I knew it was too good to be true.

"Peeta! You brat!" I squeal and jump up too.

I chase him to the other room and to his closet.

"I love you." He sings with a mischievous laugh.

"It's a good thing that I love you too, huh?" I ask him, laughing.

"Yes ma'am!" He says, changing right in front of me into a new t-shirt and jeans.

He's so much more comfortable with me seeing him than seeing me last night.

It's as if it doesn't affect him at all right now and I like that.

"Woah, I was always right." I say.

"What?" He laughs, wrapping his arms around my waist, our lips just inches away.

"About your butt. It's really nice. I mean, I have always thought that but now that I saw you in your underwear, I'm positive." I admit to him.

His face turns red, "Oh, Katniss. You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" Peeta says, ruffling my hair and kissing my cheek.

He walks into the kitchen and I follow him.

"I will try to be back before six, okay?" He tells me.

"Okay. Please, don't over do it though." I say, kissing his lips hard.

"I promise, I will be fine. Have a good day." He smiles, walking out the door.

I smile at the sight of us finally being together like this.

Something I never honestly wanted until I met Peeta but it is perfect.

Waking up and going to sleep next to your best friend and just living life together.

(A few hours later)

I meet up with Johanna at the mall, just because I had nothing better to do.

"I can't believe that you two shacked up already. So, will there be a baby soon or what?" She asks me.

"Johanna Mason!" I laugh, rolling my eyes at her.

"What? You're bound to bang sooner or later."

"It'll be later. Way later." I say awkwardly.

"For what, your marriage? That won't be long, I'm sure." She says back.

"I don't know when. I am ready when he is but I think we are going to wait until after college or I really don't know. Whenever he actually proposes then I'll let you know." I tell her.

"Finnick and Annie will probably be married by the end of the summer, I guarantee it." Johanna says.

"Probably. They are actually perfect for each other. I really do hope they get married."

"You and Lover-Boy are perfect for each other too, you just don't see it. I honestly think you and Peeta have a more visible connection than Annie and Finnick."

"Really? I hope that would be the case. And for the record, I feel like we are perfect for each other." I tell her, proudly.

"Thresh is just an ass. I'm not sure why I am even still with him."

I snort, "Maybe because you love him?"

"I guess. It's not that I don't but he pisses me off. I never see him and I guess we are just too much alike to get along all the time."

"You talk all the time and I've known him ten years and I haven't heard him say more than a few sentences."

Johanna snorts, "I don't understand him."

"When are you leaving for your axe college?"

She laughs, "I'm not. I am taking it online."

"But how is that going to work? Like what do you even do in an axe college?"

She laughs, "It's not an axe college, Brainless. Its Axe College. It's the name of the college but if you must know, it's so I can go into criminal justice."

"Oh, Johanna. That is really great and should be interesting."

"Yeah, probably so. I don't know that giving me handcuffs and a gun is a good idea but I guess we will see." She shrugs her shoulders.

I laugh, shaking my head at her but also very happy she has a plan.

About that time, I get a phone call that changes my day from good to bad in a matter of a few seconds.

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