Chapter Forty-Five

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Katniss POV- (A few days later)

This Christmas was perfect.

It had a bit of rough start on my end but it couldn't have been better.

I can't believe that Peeta gave me a promise ring.

It's like the first step into eventually getting married.

I mean, we have discussed our future a lot of times but I wasn't expecting this.

It was so thoughtful and unexpected.

I couldn't be more excited and that's honestly something I never thought I could say if it wouldn't have been for Peeta.

Who would've ever thought that I would ever be thinking about things like this, especially right now?

Everything is always different with him.

And lucky for me, we still have another week before we go back to school so that's one week that I don't have to get crap from Gretta but I know as soon I go back to school and she finds out, it's going to be worse.

Maybe I'll just go ahead and tell Peeta about her but I don't want him to feel bad for me.

I'll discuss it with the girls and see what they think.

Peeta is meeting up with the boys to tell them about our vacation.

I know they'll all be ecstatic to know about our Christmas.

"Hey, Katniss. Over here!" Annie calls from across the mall, waving me over.

I look over and rush towards them excitedly and they give me some looks.

It is not often I am this cheerful.

"Why are you so happy?" Johanna asks me, immediately.

"I just am." I say and we all go sit down.

Immediately they ask me how the trip with Peeta was.

"I had the best time ever." I say.

"What did he get you for Christmas?" Glimmer asks me.

I don't say anything but I push my right hand forward and they look down.

"Fuck!" Johanna screams and grabs my hand to examine the ring.

Glimmer, Clove, Madge, and Annie all gasp and examine the ring as well.

"He proposed?" Annie asks me.

"It is just a promise ring." I say.

"Katniss! We better start planning now, you know what promise rings mean." Glimmer says.

I laugh, shaking my head, "That's not going to happen for a long time. I can assure you of that."

"You never know." Johanna says.

"And your mom agreed?" Clove asks me, shocked.

"Yes. Peeta talked it over with her awhile back and she agreed, she just didn't know when he would do it." I explain.

"That is the sweetest thing ever!" Annie says in aw.

"How'd he do it?" Madge asks me.

"I guess after he booked our cabin, the owners told everyone to bring one gift to open at their annual Christmas get together. We didn't know but Peeta did."

"So he did it there?"

"Yes. The town had a big gathering and everyone opened their presents one by one. When it was our turn, he gave my mother and Prim their present. I didn't think about it but he never have me anything. And then he turned to me and poured his heart out in front of everyone. I didn't know why he was doing it and before I could reply he got down on one knee. He told me how he felt about me and said one day, he promised me a future if that's what I wanted." I smile at the memory.

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