Chapter Seventy-Eight

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Katniss POV- (The next morning)

I wake up and see Peeta is still sleeping.

He looks like he's sleeping good so, carefully, I slip out of bed and to go take a shower.

I unravel my braid and strip from my clothes, turning the hot water, I step inside.

I let the hot water rain down on my body and just stand there in the peaceful rain.

About 30 minutes later, I get out and dry off.

I sneak back into the bedroom and find that Peeta is still sleeping so I quickly get dressed and I throw my hair up.

I go to the kitchen and grab something to eat and decide to make Peeta a get-well card, just for the heck of it.

I go into his art room and I grab some of his blank drawing paper.

I fold a piece in half and draw a big heart on the front of it, then take his colored pencils and color half of the heart orange and half of it green. I write our names in the center of the heart and around the heart, I write some of our little inside jokes or sayings.

I open the card up and let all my emotions and thoughts flow onto the page.

I sign it and leave it by him for when he wakes up.

I go into the living room and lounge on the couch as I flip through the television channels.

I am so bored.

I wish Peeta would wake up already but I know that he needs some extra sleep.

And I would go do something but I don't know what to do, especially without Peeta.

I watch tv all day and I fall asleep at about five.

In what I believe to be a few hours later, I wake up in a pair of warm, comforting arms.

"Peeta?" I say with a soft voice, wondering why he's holding me.

"Oh, hey. Sorry I woke you up. It's already nine at night so I decided to bring you to bed." He says, smiling softly.

"When did you get up?" I ask kind of confused.

"At about five, I think. I came in and your were asleep." He tells me.

"Oh, you should've woke me. What did you do for four hours?"

"Just watched tv and I took a shower and I found your card." He smiles.

"Oh gosh, did you like it?" I laugh as he puts me down onto the bed.

"I loved it." He assures me.

"Good." I say with a smile, "I'm sorry this day was wasted."

He shakes his head, "I think that I got caught up on my sleep which is good." He laughs.

"Me too." I reply.

"Well, then today wasn't a waste. And we always have tomorrow. How about so it's not a total waste, we do something for a bit?"


"What do you wanna do?" He asks me.

"I don't know. Want to just talk?" I suggest.

"Of course. What do we have to talk about though?" He laughs.

It is true.

We know each other inside and out but it'll definitely be the first time that we can't think of something to talk about.

"Hmmm? How about we tell each other facts about random things?" I ask him with a laugh.

"Okay, we sound like such nerds but let's do it!" He says enthusiastically.


"Tell me something..." Peeta laughs.

I think for a moment. "Did you know that when you can't sleep at night, people say that you are either on someone's mind, being talked about by someone or you are awake in someone else's dream?"

His face lights up, "Well, that explains my exhaustion and it's all your fault!" Peeta teases me, letting out a cute chuckle.

"Oh, whatever!" I laugh and push him playfully.

"You can't deny the truth, my love."

"Okay, I'll admit that I do dream and think about you a lot and I may or may not talk about you all the time." I say truthfully.

"Good things, I hope."


"That's okay, I think about you 24/7 and dream about you quite frequently so I don't know how you're making it." He confesses.

"You're so cute, Peeta. What else could we talk about?" I ask him.

Peeta just shrugs his shoulders.

"Want to just lay here with me?" He suggests.

"Sure." I say as he lays down on the bed.

I lay my head on his chest so that I can hear his heartbeat and he wraps one arm around me and I place my hand in his free hand.

His warm, comforting body next to mine that always let's me know I'm safe.

Peeta let's me know that there is life and hope.

He taught me how to love someone to the deepest of my ability, other than my sister.

Peeta Mellark taught me about myself and how to love myself.

I learned so many things from him that he saw in me that I was blind to.

And he says the same about me.

We lay there in a comfortable silence and I can't help but smile this stupid smile.

I smile to the point I'm sure I look insane to anyone but Peeta.

Besides yesterday's events, everything is perfect right now.

And I am almost asleep again when he begins to speak.

"When I get released from the doctor, would you wanna go on a little road trip with me?" He asks me quietly.

I turn my head to look up at him and he looks down at me.

"I would love that." I say and kiss his perfect jawline.

"You look sleepy. Are you ready for bed already?" He asks.

I nod my head and he gets up and turns out the lights.

We snap back into the same position and I fall asleep in safe, familiar arms not even feeling a bit awkward, unlike the first night.

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