Chapter Twelve

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Katniss POV-

I should've just told him, right then and there.

None of this would have happened if I would have just told him that I like him because I'm confident in it now.

I like Peeta Mellark.

"Peeta?" I call, running to the door.

It's no use, he is already leaving my driveway, so I get out my phone and start to call him but he doesn't answer.

I decide to begin texting, though I really shouldn't be texting or calling while he is driving but I am just really upset right now.

I don't even know what I did to make him leave.

I mean he seemed like he was hurt but I don't know why he would be, isn't it obvious I like him?

We almost kissed yesterday.

(Text to Peeta)

"Peeta, please come back?"

"I need to talk to you about something."

"I'm sorry. I want to tell you what's wrong now. Please, call me back."

"You're scaring me. Can you just text me something so I know you made it home okay?"

"Goodnight, I hope you made it home safely. Please call me tomorrow so we can discuss what just happened."

I take the popcorn from the microwave and chunk it at the trashcan in frustration, it hits the ground with a puny plop.

I lock the doors, turn off the movie and run into my room just as tears begin to flow out of my eyes.

I lay in my bed again like I was before Peeta came and pout just as I had been doing before.

What just happened?

He's has only been gone about forty-five minutes and I already miss him so much.

I start to feel that emptiness again.

The one I felt just a week before, the boyfriend-less one, even though he wasn't my boyfriend.

I wish he was here with me right now so I could tell him how much I already love him even though I have know him only a week.

Tell him how much he already means to me.

I wish he was here right now to hold me and protect me from my nightmares, because I know that he would and I wish he was here so I could let him talk about his problems instead of me never shutting up about mine.

That is apart of the reason I asked him to stay, so that I could get to know him better.

I close my eyes and soon I can't take it anymore I just begin to sob and I can't stop it either.

It's ridiculous, I am crying over a guy that I have known for one week but he's a guy I have fallen fast for too, the first guy I've ever fallen for actually.

And boy, did I fall hard.

I know that there is no chance that he would ever like me but I just was hoping.

He is just so perfect and sweet and I just ruined all of it because I wouldn't tell him.

But what would've happened if I had told him?

I would probably be in the same position, honestly.

I am stupid for falling for him so fast but it was hard because he gave me the respect and love that I never knew I wanted or needed.

Before I know it, it is already 4:30 in the morning and Peeta still hasn't replied to my text or calls.

I just hope he is okay and he made it home okay too.

I scold myself because I should've gone after him and went and apologized but I don't even know why he is upset or what I have to apologize for.

I don't even know why I'm so upset, all he said was he was he was gonna give me space to think, but he looked pretty hurt.

Maybe I would know why he left if I would shut up about myself for once and give him a chance to talk.

Maybe Peeta is different than I thought, and when he told me he would always be there for me and help me, I thought he meant it.

This just shows that I misjudged him.

But I am sure Peeta has struggles just like me and I am sure he has big dreams and hopes of being more successful than he already is and maybe he wanted to tell me but I wouldn't shut up.

Or maybe it's because Peeta has a crush or an old love and I am getting in the way of that.
Or maybe he knows I like him and that scared him off.

I am sure that is what this is about.

He probably got freaked out by my obvious crush on him.

It couldn't have been more obvious, everyone else seemed to notice before I even noticed it myself.

Maybe I freaked him out by asking him to stay but didn't he kind of kidnap me just hours before?

And he's not completely innocent either.

We both leaned in last night and I thought in that moment maybe he felt what I did.

I know it is not that big of a deal and can probably be resolved tomorrow, the thing that is really worrying me is he won't respond to me and he just left without saying anything else and had so much hurt in his eyes.

Maybe he heard my conversation with Johanna and thought I didn't want him here?

Because now that I think about it I do recall telling her something like 'I need to go before Peeta hears' but I don't know what he heard and what he didn't or if that's even what's wrong.

My mind automatically begins thinking the worst has happened, but I'm sure brains are wired to work that way.

I take a deep breath and by the end of it, I am sure he is fast asleep in bed, perfectly fine and not bothered by what happened at all.

I am a girl so I am probably just making a bigger deal out of it than it is but I just really don't know right now, about anything.

All I know is that I am stupid and I am hurting right now.

And that I miss Peeta Mellark.

Finding the Missing Piece: An Everlark StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang