Chapter Sixty

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Peeta POV- (That afternoon)

Finally, after the feeling that forty-five minutes has been a year, the bell rings.

I pack up my things and run to detention in Mr. Latier's classroom.

I'm going to fix things now.

"Katniss?" I say as I run into the room to find her standing there in front of the room, at the white board.

She doesn't say a word she turns and looks into my eyes and my heart stops.

"Peeta, I am so sorry that I was-" I cut her off with my lips.

I don't even care if we get in trouble, I needed to do that to make a point.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me.

She hesitantly pulls away from me, shocked.

Her hands go over her lips.

I let go of her and she backs away.

"I should've never ever should've broken up with you." Katniss says.

"Katniss, please just listen to me." I say, looking into her gray eyes that I've missed so much.

"I love you more than anything. I'm sorry for being stupid but I want us to get back together. I will do anything you want me to." I tell her.

"Peeta, please just go to UP. You have worked so hard for it and you deserve it. Maybe I could move to be with you? Please, just don't pass up this opportunity? You have no idea how much your future means to me." Katniss begs me.

"Katniss, you know I can't do that." I say, shaking my head.

"Why? You just said that you'd do what I want. You want me to be happy but you won't do what will make me happy." Katniss presses.

"Katniss, I will do whatever you want me to as long as your happy but I can't go to UP." I say.

"Why not?" She asks me, crossing her arms.

"They offered it to me again but I told them no." I reveal to her.

Katniss sighs deeply.

"I want nothing to do with them. Ever."

"But what about your dream?"

"You are my dream, Katniss. I want you. I can't live without you." I say softly to her, taking her hands.

"This month reminded me how lucky I am to have you. It confirmed what I've already known since the moment we met, you are the greatest thing. You are my life and without you, I have nothing." I explain.

"I feel the same way but I just don't know what to do. I still don't."

"I don't know either but I do know that if we don't have each other, nothing is going to work out. And sometimes we have to agree that we disagree on things. This whole thing got blown way out of proportion." I explain.

"I don't care what we decide as long as we are together."

"Sounds perfect to me." I tell her truthfully.

"I am sorry that I kept pushing you away. I never meant to hurt you. I wanted to get back together with you that night you came over but I couldn't even speak." Katniss explains to me.

Before I can say anything else, she does.

"It's like I lost control of myself. I couldn't speak, it's like I lost the ability to even talk or think."

"I'm sorry, Katniss. I realized as soon as I left I was being an ass but I just wanted to make a point." I say, not knowing any other way to put it.

"I wanted to fix it but I just I couldn't control myself. It's like I was numb."

"I should've just stayed until you talked but I was just mad. I was heartbroken actually."

She sighs, "It doesn't matter now. I don't care about anything but right now and our future. Together."

"Me too."

"So we are okay?" Katniss nods, looking down at her ring.

"Promise?" I ask with a sad smile.

"Forever and always." She confirms and I can't help but to laugh.

She pulls me to her again and I hold her tightly, still trembling.

Katniss glances up at me and I can't resist myself.

That is when I crash my lips onto hers again.

This kiss isn't shocked or forced.

This kiss is full of passion and desperation and a steadiness.

I never want to let her go but I am forced to when Mr. Latier comes in, tapping my shoulder and clearing his throat.

We break away and look at him.

"Well, I see you two are back together." He says nonchalantly.

"Finally." I say, not even caring if he's mad or not.

"As for detention, I don't really care that you two talked but I was just happy to hear you speak, especially to each other. I was hoping coming here today would get you back together." He says with a wink.

"Well, it worked. I never thought I would say this but thank you so much for assigning us detention." I say gratefully.

"No problem. I am also making sure this detention doesn't count against either of you since I technically assigned it on purpose." Mr. Latier says with a satisfied smile.

"Thank you so much." I say.

"You two are free to go." He says.

Katniss and I quickly grab our stuff and as soon as we are in the hallway I scoop her up, spinning her around.

"I missed you so much!" I exclaim as she giggles.

"I missed you too." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck and laying her head on my shoulder.

"I love you so much, Katniss." I say letting her down and kissing her lips.

She smiles so widely, her cheeks squish her eyes.

"I love you."

I missed her smile so much and I missed smiling because of her.

"You're so perfect." I tell her and kiss her nose.

I have never been so relieved in my whole life.

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