Chapter Ninety

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Katniss POV-

I take a deep breath, trying not to burst into tears.

"A cover up for what?" I ask him angrily.

And instead an answer, the line goes dead.

Are you kidding me?

I can't believe this.

Any of it.

What are his intentions by doing this?

Is he going to leave me forever, skip town, change his name so he never has to see me again?

I can't believe Peeta but even worse, Finnick, who has been my best friend since we were four, in on this all too.

Whatever this is.

I groan and look up at the street sign.

It is too far away to read and just as I start to go closer, I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

I freeze, afraid for who or what could be behind me.

"A cover up for this." I hear Peeta say.

I turn around to find Peeta kneeling before me with a black, velvety box.

Just like that, all my anger towards Peeta, Finnick and the rest of the world just disappears.

My heart drops into the pit of my stomach.

"Still angry?" He laughs.

I don't respond.

A thousand thoughts are racing through my head.

"I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean for you to get that upset." Peeta says, smirking.

I smile and let out a laugh as tears fall down my face. I throw my hands over my mouth because Peeta is doing it, he is finally doing it.

"Katniss Everdeen, I love you with my entire heart. You are the most beautiful woman that I've ever met in my life. You are kind and perfect and you are everything that I have always wanted." Peeta starts.

I swallow hard as he takes my hand.

"You are my whole world and my best friend. I know we've had some bad days lately but it doesn't matter because my love for you will never fade. I want to go through it all with you, every single thing. Every good day and every bad day." Peeta let's it all come out as if he had rehearsed it, but I know he hadn't.

He's just that good with words.

Peeta opens the box and inside a beautiful, tiny silver ring is revealed and it kind of looks like my promise ring.

"Oh my gosh." I say, as the tears come flowing down my face.

I was definitely not expecting this.

"Will you marry me?" He asks, staying in his one knee position as he presents the ring.

"Yes." I say softly and he darts up and I
immediately throw myself into his arms and he spins me around.

Nothing could ruin this moment, not anything or anyone.

We share a very passionate kiss and he carefully puts me back down.

That's when I see that he is crying too.

He gently takes my right hand and removes the promise ring from my right ring finger and places the promise ring onto my left hand, then places the engagement ring on after.

I don't understand what he is doing but I just let him do his thing, admiring his beautiful smile.

Both the promise ring and engagement ring have little clasps on the sides that look to be decoration but allow you to hook them together.

The promise ring is pearl-covered and so is the engagement ring.

Since the engagement ring is the second ring and in the middle it is decorated with little studded pearls and three diamonds surrounded by pearls as well.

"One more ring to go and it will finally be complete." Peeta says, clasping the two rings into place.

"Oh my gosh, Peeta. Thank you so so much." I cry and hug him closely.

"Thank you, Katniss. You just made this the fourth best day of my life!" He says, smiling wide.

I laugh at his remark, he says the first best day was the day we met, second, was the day we got together, the third being his promise ring proposal and the fourth being today.

"I love you so much." He says kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too, Peeta so so much." I squeal and glance down at my ring or rings I should say.

"I'm sorry that I kept this all a secret from you and made you kind of mad at Finnick and I." Peeta laughs.

"It's okay, I promise that you making me angry was all worth it." I say, kissing his lips passionately, not being able to contain myself.

My heart beat races and I can feel that Peeta's is too because my hand is on his chest.

Right now, no one else exists but Peeta and I.

Nothing about our past together matters anymore because I'm living in this moment, right here right now and for our future.

If I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it forever, I know Peeta would do the same.

It all just seemed to vanish when I saw Peeta kneeling before me with that ring.

We are standing so close that the thinnest sheet of paper couldn't stand a chance between us.

My hands make their way to hair as link my arms around his neck.

And Peeta's hands slide slowly below my waist and to my butt. Slowly but surely he lifts me to deepen the kissing action between us, using his hands to support my weight on his muscular body as he leans up against a tall building.

Everything about this moment is perfect.

Perfect boy.

Perfect kiss.

The perfect proposal.

Perfect weather.

Today is just the perfect day.

I have never loved Peeta more than I do in this moment.

I really don't know how to explain it, I mean I have loved him like this but I never realized the degree until now, I guess.

"I love you." I say taking a quick breath and slamming my lips onto his once again.

I can feel his lips form a smile and I smile too, because I am just so damn happy to be kissing this boy.

I am so happy to have him as my own.

The degree in which the love I feel for him is just indescribable.

My whole life revolves around him and no one but him now.

And I know it's mutual.

Finally, our lips break contact and are numb and tingly from kissing so long and hard.

He gently puts me down but our bodies are still close.

I have never experienced a kiss with such passion, as I just did.

This is one of those kisses that make you want one after another but we leave it at that one.

Our foreheads are pressed together and our breathing is heavy.

"I love you so much." Peeta smiles.

"I love you too." I say softly as I bite my lip and softly close my eyes to see if this is all reality.

To see if this is really real.

If Peeta and I are really standing in the middle of an empty sidewalk in a place we will soon call home and I wonder if he really did propose and if I really did experience such a passionate kiss.

I open my eyes and know that it is in fact 100% real.

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