Chapter Twenty-Six

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Peeta POV- (July)

"Peeta! Stop!" She acreams as I chase her around the yard with a water hose.

I laugh, "You did it to me!" I say, spraying her in the face with it.

She screams and I reach out, grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around as I hold the water hose over her head.

"Peeta!" Katniss squeals, sounding like music to my ears.

I glance back and see Prim looking through the window watching us.

She comes out, "I thought you were gonna water Mom's plants, not each other?" Prim says to Katniss.

I let go of Katniss and she starts shaking her wet hair all over me and I shield my face from it, even though the rest of my body is soaked from trying to get Katniss and from her spraying me herself.

"We did and we watered each other." Katniss laughs.

Prim smiles, "Now it's just muddy out here."

Katniss gives me a look and nods at Prim.

Knowing what she's thinking, I kneel down and scoop her up and Katniss takes the water hose and sprays us both down.

Prim is giggling harder than ever and squealing too as Katniss takes some mud and puts some of it on her little cheeks.

"No!" She says and I let her down.

Then Katniss and Prim team up on me, throwing mud and spraying me with water at the same time, making it worse.

I laugh and stand up, determined to get them both.

They take off, running through the yard and I chase them, having such childlike fun.

Katniss's mother comes outside and just shakes her head, watching us act like children out here.

Prim runs over to her mother and she backs away, "No, you three aren't coming in here until you wash off." She laughs.

"We are washed off." Prim tells her mom.

Katniss comes up behind me and drops a handful of mud on my head.

I burst out laughing, "Seriously?" I laugh.

She runs away, quickly washing her hands off and running onto the back porch.

"Hey, Mom!" Katniss says, smiling deviously at her mother.

"Don't even think about it." Mrs. Everdeen says and quickly goes inside, locking the door.

Prim and Katniss both turn around to get drinks while I wash the mud out of my hair and think of a way to get Katniss back.

I grab a handful of mud and go up behind her, holding her by her waist.

"No!" Katniss laughs, trying to wriggle out of my arms.

"Kiss me or you're getting mud in your hair too." I say, holding the mud above her head.

She rolls her eyes, "Peeta, no. Please. You know it'll take forever to get out."

I smirk, "Then kiss me."

"I don't want to, Mud Man."

"Just a little kiss, right here." I say pointing to my cheek.

Katniss snorts and turns herself so that we are face to face.

She leans forward and at the same time as she goes in for my cheek, I turn my head so that she kisses my lips and then I drop the mud in her hair.

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