Chapter Fifty-Five

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Peeta POV-

(On the phone with Katniss)

"Katniss, I love you." I say quietly.

"I love you too." She croaks out quickly and then hangs up.

I have to go over there and fixed things now.

I can't stand it any more.

I guess neither of us are going because I'm not going without her, I refuse.

I drive over to her house, when I knock on the door and a Prim answers.

"Peeta!" She squeals and jumps into my arms.

I embrace her, closing my eyes.

"Can I talk to your sister?" I ask her quietly, putting her down.

Prim sighs, "She is in her room. Are you guys getting back together?"

"I'm not sure." I say truthfully, by the looks of it, no.

I go upstairs and knock on her bedroom door.

"Go away!" She screams.

"Katniss, please, just let me in. I need to talk to you. We need to fix this because I can't live with us not being okay with each other. I don't care if we get back together as long as we can still be friends. Please, Katniss?" I beg her, leaning against the door weakly.

She stays silent for about two or three minutes and then opens the door.

She is wearing my old tee shirt and pajama pants. Her wavy hair is messy but soaked from a shower. Her eyes are red and puffy and show signs of many sleepless nights.

I look about the same, probably worse.

I want to pick her up and spin her around and apologize and tell her I love her but I can't.

Not yet.

"Can we please talk about this?"

"You can, I don't want to." Katniss says, obviously irritated.

"I want to fix this right now but I'm not sure you do." I say frustrated with her stubbornness.

She doesn't reply.

Katniss POV-

I do want to fix it.

I want everything to be back the way it was and for all this to vanish and I want Peeta to hold me and comfort me.

But I stay silent, not knowing what to say or do and I just hope he does.

He use to.

"Please, Katniss?" He begs me.

I look up and I can tell that my silence is killing him.

"I want us to get back together but I have a feeling if we don't decide what the hell to do about this then we won't ever get back together." I admit.

"Prim, she came to see me the other day." Peeta says quietly.

I shrug my shoulders, "I know, she told me." I say crossing my arms uncomfortably.

"Well, she may only be fourteen but she knows what she is talking about." Peeta tells me.

"Yeah and?" I say.

"She told me that if I wanted to make you happy then I would have to do what you want me to do." He says.

"And? You didn't. You did the opposite. I wanted you to go to that college without me and not worry about me." I say.

"She said that if I really loved you, then I needed to suck it up and do what you wanted me to do." He sighs and inhales deeply, "I don't couldn't do that. It can't always work like that, Katniss. You can't always have your way."

"Okay, that's fine." I shrug.

"I don't want to go to that stupid school. I want to be with you and I know you want to be with me. We are going to find a school that wants us both."

I nod and stare at the floor, not knowing what to say or do.

"Please, Katniss? Don't you want me or us?" He asks me with a disgusted but disappointed look.

I want him to be with me and I want us to be happy together but I am not good with this.

He's still giving up a dream for me and I don't feel right about it.

"I'm taking that as a 'no.'" Peeta says, shaking his head in frustration.

I swallow hard, trying to find the words to speak.

Peeta walks out of my room and just as my mind registers his actions, I am going after him.

"Peeta, wait." I say and run after him.

He continues to walk out and I follow him.

He waves at my mom and sister and while I am standing at the top of the stairs, begging him to come back.

"Katniss, I love you but for this to work again, I need you to want it to work just as badly as I do. I'm sorry." He tells me and walks out.

I break down right there, right at the top of the stairs.

I begin to hyperventilate and that's when I begin puking everywhere.

I haven't eaten in over a week so it is all stomach acid and it burns as it comes out but I don't care.

I just wish I could die right here.

If I can't be with Peeta, I'd be better off dead.

And right now, it seems like I'm never going to get him back.

I need Peeta to go on with my life.

I don't go to school the next day, because I can't face him.

That look he gave me that was full of sadness and disappointment.

He gave me a look of disgust and I don't know if there is anything I can do to fix it.

Peeta thinks I no longer love him or want to be him.

Mrs. Everdeen POV-

I have come to the conclusion that Katniss is depressed.

I saw Peeta yesterday while picking up her school work and I'm almost positive that he is depressed too.

I never liked the thought of my daughter having a boyfriend but from the start, he was one person I knew I could always trust with her.

The first time I met him was great and the way Katniss looked at him when they were 'just friends' was beautiful.

It was the same look I gave her father.

The way Katniss is right now is how I was when my husband passed away.

For almost six years, I was like that.

I am almost sure Katniss is worse though, in a way I guess.

My depression just lasted longer and it wasn't as violent as hers.

I just never talked.

Katniss doesn't talk and when she does, she's screaming and she doesn't eat and doesn't sleep much either.

She's sick.

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