Chapter Seventy-Seven

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Katniss POV-

"I'm so sorry but I have to go." I say worriedly, jumping up.

Johanna looks at me, "Is everything okay?"

"It's Peeta. He is in the hospital. I'll call you later!" I say, running out of the mall and across the crowded parking lot to my car.

I speed to the hospital, trying to stay calm.

Mr. Mellark said that Peeta was fine but what if he's really not?

He said that he was just standing there, talking and then suddenly, his legs gave out and he passed out and gashed his head open.

My heart is literally aching at the thought of it and I just want to cry.

I finally make it to the hospital and I run inside and down the hall.

"I am here to see Peeta Mellark." I say to the lady at the front desk.

"Are you family?" The lady asks me.

If I say 'no' then she won't let me see him.

And by the look on her face, I don't think being his girlfriend cuts it.

"I am his wife." I lie, hoping she doesn't ask for proof.

Luckily, she doesn't and she immediately tells me his room number.

I run out of the entrance and down a hallway and I find his dad outside of his room on the phone.

He sees me and gives me a look and hangs up the phone.

"Is he okay?" I ask him nervously.

"He is okay. Like I said he just passed out and hit his head is all. The doctors said it was from exhaustion." Peeta's dad says calmly.

"I begged him not to go to work and he didn't listen. I had a feeling something was going to happen and it did. This is all my fault." I say, tearing up.

I knew something was going to happen.

"No, it's not your fault. Peeta should've listened to you. He just pushed himself too much and is feeling the effects but I promise he will be okay." He tells me.

I walk into Peeta's hospital room and I see he is asleep.

I go over to him and I kneel down beside his bed and I take his hand in mine.

He looks horrible.

I shouldn't have let him go this morning.

I should've refused he went to work and I shouldn't have stayed up late with him, knowing he was so tired.

A few minutes later, the doctor comes in.

I look up, my eyes no doubt red and puffy.

"Hello, are you Katniss?"


"His father had to leave but told me that I could give you any information about Mr. Mellark here." The doctor says politely, looking at a clipboard.

I stand up.

"Peeta is overly exhausted and slightly dehydrated. He hasn't gotten enough rest lately and his body is telling him that he needs to rest but his mind refuses. This is why he passed out today. His body overtook his mind, causing him to faint." The doctor explains.

"How bad is the gash on his head?" I ask worriedly.

"We glued it back together and it should be fine. No concussion."

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