Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Katniss POV- (The next day)

I wake up and my head is pounding.

I close my eyes and slowly sit up, which makes it worse.

I breathe in deeply and realize that I also have a stuffy nose and my lungs burn with every breath.

I turn to wake Peeta but he is already awake and is staring at me.

I smile and then swallow hard.

My throat feels dry and raw, my eyes water from the pain.

I try to speak but my throat is too sore.

I am without a doubt sick.

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks me knowingly.

I can't really speak or else I'm afraid my throat will rip open it hurts horribly and I haven't even done anything yet.

I shake my head at him.

Peeta suspiciously raises his eyebrows and gives me the 'I know something is up' look.

I just look at him, knowing what's coming next.

"You lie, my sweet angel." Peeta whispers  sadly.

I shake my head again frantically.

He knows I'm lying, though.

"Then why won't you talk to me?" Peeta laughs a little.

Before I realize what I am doing, I open my mouth and instantly regret it, "Because my throat hurts." I blurt out, throwing my hands over my mouth in pain.

I wince, closing my eyes.

I feel horrible.

"Katniss, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Peeta asks me worriedly.

His eyes have grown and his expression is dim.

He pries my hands off my mouth.

I nod my head letting him know I am sort of fine.

"Does your head hurt? Can you breathe alright?" He asks, putting his hand against my forehead.

I nod my head 'yes' and point to my head.

I then shake my head and point to my nose to tell him I can't breathe well.

"You can't breathe and your head and throat hurt?"

I smile a little and nod my head, embarrassed.

"I am sorry, Katniss. I never meant for you to get sick I was just-" I stop his frantic speaking with my finger.

I place it over his lips and he gets it, he nods and then says, "You're not mad?"

I shake my head 'no.'

Then I point to my eye, then to my heart, then to him.

Terrible sign language, but it works.

Peeta just laughs at me, "I love you too. But before we try to get you to a doctor, let me see if your throat has any white spots or anything, okay?"

I nod and he tells me to open my mouth for him to examine.

I open up my mouth as wide as I can and stick my tongue down and out, tilting my head back a bit and Peeta gasps.

"You have white welps in your throat. Don't try to talk or anything. I am gonna help you get better but we better get you a doctor's appointment if we can, okay?"

I nod and he unravels us from the blankets and gets up from the couch, heading into the kitchen.

I kind of doze on and off.

My mother woke up and Peeta explained what's wrong with me so she called the doctor and is helping Peeta with me

"Your mom and I are taking you to the doctor at noon, okay?" Peeta says, as he puts his warm hand on my forehead again.

"You're burning up. Are you cold or anything?" He asks me.

I nod and he pulls my blanket up to my cheeks and kisses my forehead.

"I love you so much. Is there anything you need?" He asks me, genuinely worried.

I shake my head 'no.'

"Okay, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." He tells me.

He starts to walk away and I grab his hand and shake my head 'no' and point to the empty space where he was laying not too long ago.

Peeta nods, seeming to understand me completely, so he crawls in next to me.

I pull the blanket over us and I am soon out like a light.

(A few hours later at the doctors office)

"Well, it seems you have tonsillitis.

"Oh no." Peeta frowns.

"She will be okay." The doctor assures him.

My mom nods in agreement, "She will."

"I am gonna prescribe you some antibiotics to kill the infection. I am also suggesting you do not speak and you eat things such as broth and maybe ice cream if you can handle it. Please, drink lots of fluids as well like water and juice." The doctor explains.

I nod my head and look up at Peeta and my mother, hoping they caught all of that.

Peeta has continuously apologized for this all day even though it probably isn't his fault.

I haven't felt all that good lately anyways, maybe the sickness has been building up and yesterday just helped it pull through but I know he still feels guilty.

From Friday to Saturday night, I down nothing but water, pills and all the soup my throat can handle before I'm a little better.

Peeta hasn't left my side and honestly, I'm glad he hasn't.

He has been such a huge help to me.

I haven't spoke to him in several days but I have to write everything down, or motion it, but usually, Peeta knows just what I want. 

Lucky for me, being sick near Peeta isn't too much torture.

It was bad, don't get me wrong but Peeta has kept me entertained and very well taken care of.

He read me stories, drew me pictures, watched movies with me and has even braided my hair for me, even though I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.

I really don't know what I would do without him.

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