Chapter Twenty-Five

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Katniss POV- (End of May)

"Gale Hawthorne." Our principal calls.

His mother and siblings cheer as he goes up, receiving his diploma.

"Congratulations." I say as he walks past Peeta and I.

He smiles a little, giving me a nod and then goes to sit by Madge, just as they call her name.

"Madge Undersee." They say.

Everyone claps as she receives her diploma and gives her speech for being Valedictorian of her class.

Glimmer goes and then Marvel and Thresh, making half of our group graduated and the other half new seniors-it's gonna be a lot different without them here next year but I know we will still see them all the time.

They're all waiting a year before leaving anywhere so they can see where everyone else goes and save up some money.

"Congratulations." I say, hugging Madge and Glimmer who are both crying.

"I can't believe we graduated." Glimmer cries into my shirt.

I laugh a little, "It's alright. Now you don't have to show up for school anymore." I tease her.

She giggles, "I never did anyways, Kat."

I smile, "I know. You and Johanna always went shopping instead."

Johanna comes over, Thresh has his arm around her shoulder, "Yeah, Glimmer who am I gonna cut class with now?"

"I guess me still, unless I find a job but so far it doesn't look good." She says, hugging Johanna.

Gale comes up and he and Madge share a kiss, "Congratulations." He tells her softly.

"Thank you. You too." She says kissing his cheek.

Then Gale comes to me.

"You did it." I say, embracing him.

His arms wrap around me in a brotherly hug, "I didn't think I could do it without my dad."

I frown, "Well, you did. I just hope I can."

"If I could handle it, you can too, Catnip." He assures me.

"I'm really proud of you, Gale." I tell him truthfully.

I remember for the longest time in junior high he wanted to drop out so bad after his dad died and I did too but I wouldn't let him.

"Thanks and next year, when you graduate, I will be proud of you." He smiles softly.

His mother comes up with his brothers and little sister. He scoops Posey up and kisses her cheek and she hugs his neck.

I turn around to Peeta who's making small talk with Thresh and Marvel and their families. When he sees me turn around, he excuses himself to come over.

"I can't believe that this is going to be us soon." He whispers to me.

I smile sadly, "This year went by so fast." I admit.

"Next year will too." Peeta says truthfully.

I sigh and embrace him.

This last week has been so exhausting.

There were so many tests and I spent all of today and yesterday decorating for graduation and helping the girls with their hair and makeup and deciding what to wear.

I'm so glad it's over and that Peeta and I can finally have our first summer together.

And I'm so glad that I get to spend it with my two favorite people in the world.

Peeta and Prim.

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