Chapter Ninety-Six

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Katniss POV- (Later that day)

Peeta and I have been packing boxes for hours.

We have to be at the campus by Monday and it's Friday and we leave in the morning.

Although, we haven't lived here long, we have months of our things and memories to pack up and we decide it's time for a bit of a break.

Peeta and I are laying together on the couch in a comfortable silence.

He gently caresses my back and I close my eyes feeling so at ease.

"They should be calling sometime today to let us know if we got approved to room together." Peeta says.


"Yeah, that's at least what they said yesterday."

"I hope we are approved." I say hopefully.

"I really hope so too." Peeta tells me.

That is when I realize if Peeta and I don't get to dorm together, we will be separated and won't see each other all too often.

"Peeta, promise me that if we don't get roomed together that we will still see each other everyday." I say, looking up at him worriedly.

"Of course we will. Even if it's just for a second." He promises me.

"Good because I don't know what I'm going to if I don't have you with me everyday."

"Hey, listen to will not ruin our relationship again. I won't allow it." He whispers assuringly.

I hope he's right.

We broke up last time because of it but maybe this time it'll be different, I think Peeta and I have grown a lot since that incident.

And we know how much we truly need each other.

"Me either." I whisper softly and take his hand.

He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, "We just gotta have the hope that we were roomed together and if not we will figure it out." Peeta says positively.

I nod my head and kiss his cheek.

He gives me a sad look, "Hey, how about we have your mom come over for dinner and then we can pack up the kitchen afterwards?" Peeta suggests.

I nod my head and leave from Peeta's side to phone my mother.

I dial her number and it rings a few times before she answers.

(On the phone with Mom)

"Hey, Mom. It's Katniss. I just wanted to see if you would like to come over to the apartment for dinner. It is Peeta and I's last night here." I explain.

"Of course. What time would you like me over?" She asks.

"Does eight o'clock work for you? It gives us all about an hour or so." I say.

"Okay, I will be there." My mother says and hangs up.

I smile and see Peeta has already started making dinner.

I go over and snake my arms around his waist, "Woah!" He jumps.

I snort at his reaction, "What was that?" I ask him, grinning.

"You scared me." Peeta says.

I smile at his red face, "Whatever. My mom will be over soon and that's enough to scare you." I tell him.

He gives me a look, "Be nice."

"I am just kidding. I'm happy she's coming over and that we are on good terms again." I promise him and it's the truth.

"Good." He smiles and continues to prepare the food while I go and pack some more things into boxes.

"Tomorrow, we officially will no longer live in Twelve anymore." I say as I place some of Peeta's art gently into a box.

"Yeah but just think about it. It is a fresh start." He says, looking back at me from the kitchen.

"I know but four more years and we can come back if we want to, right?" I say, trying to look on the bright side of a situation that should be happy but is making me sad.

"We can go anywhere we want to after college but I would love to start a new life together with you here again too. In another new beginning." Peeta says, cutting some potatoes.

I smile as I finally finish packing the last of the house, other than the kitchen.

I take boxes to each of our cars and quickly fill each vehicle, by the time I am done, there is just enough room for the kitchen stuff we have to pack and room for ourselves.

Just as I shut the trunk to Peeta's car, I see my mother's car come around the corner and up to our apartment parking spots.

She gets out of the car and walks up to me.

"Hi." I say, hugging her.

She kisses my cheek and hugs me tightly.

"Hey, I see you two are almost all packed up." My mother says sadly.

I look over to our two cars, at the apartment, and back at my mom.

"Yeah, all that's left is the kitchen." I say, leading her into the apartment.

We walk into the apartment to find Peeta is finished cooking and has three made plates set on the table, waiting to be devoured.

"Oh. Hello, Peeta." My mother says.

Peeta smiles, "Hey, Mrs. Everdeen."

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders and my hands find his arms. He kisses the top of my head and I smile.

"I cannot believe you two are already going to be heading off to college tomorrow." Mom says.

"We can't believe it either, really." Peeta says, giving me a little squeeze.

My mother leans against the counter, "Did you find who you are living with?" She asks curiously.

I shake my head 'no' and Peeta explains how we will probably find out tomorrow since they haven't called today.

We eat a pleasant dinner and a very unexpected question comes from someone's mouth.

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