Chapter Ninety-Eight

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Peeta POV- (The next morning, 5:30am)

"Wake up, Katniss." I say, nudging her gently.

She let's out tired whimper and turns away from me.

"Katniss, don't be like that. You need to get up." I remind her.

If we don't leave by six then we won't be in Five until really late Sunday night.

She doesn't move a muscle.

"Okay, if you don't get up, I am going to have to tickle you or pick you up and make you stand by yourself." I say, playing a bit of tough love.

Again, she doesn't budge and I know she's doing it on purpose.

I smile and decide to tickle her first.

"Peeta, go away." Katniss mumbles in her half awake, half asleep stage.

I shake my head smiling and lay down next to her again.

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist and I pull her close to me, I begin to tickle her.

Immediately, I get a reaction.

She darts in an upright position and tries to escape my grasp.

I pull her back down towards me and continually tickle her. She twists and turns and bends many ways as she screams for me to stop.

"Peeta! Stop, please?" She whines with laughter.

Finally, I stop but I still keep my arms locked around her waist.

"Are you still mad at me?" I whisper into her ear.

I can feel her body tense up against mine.

Now I know she had forgotten about last night's happenings and that it was probably the wrong thing to say.

"I'm not mad at you but I mean it's almost always better after you sleep, right?" She says and pries my arms off of her body as she quickly gets up and walks out of the room.

What is up with her?

I know what happened last night upset her but she shouldn't still be so upset, even of she did forget.

I shrug it off, figuring she will come around soon.

I strip our bed of it's sheets, comforter and pillows and I pack them up the best I can in boxes and take them to my car.

I have been up since 4 packing the kitchen and making sure everything is cleaned and I think I'm finally done.

I do a check of the apartment to make sure we got everything out and cleaned and we had.

Just as I'm about to lock up, I realize I'm missing the most important piece of my life.

I can't find Katniss anywhere.

I glance outside and see that her car is still in the parking lot and her phone is still on the counter and I get really worried.

She couldn't have gone too far but I'm still not sure where she would've gone, without a car and at this time of morning.

"Katniss?" I holler throughout the house and look in every nook and cranny.

I go outside and look for her around the apartments and I can't find her anywhere and I'm getting worried.

"Katniss, come on we don't have time for this!" I holler.

I decide to check her car again but no luck.

Finding the Missing Piece: An Everlark StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang