Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Katniss POV- (Friday)

Tomorrow is Peeta's birthday and I think I'm more excited than he is.

He will be eighteen years old tomorrow.

His dad dropped the cake by this morning and it is perfect.

I'm really excited for tonight too because it is the first get together Peeta and I will have been to in awhile.

I drive to Peeta's house so I can take him to the sleepover.

When I get there I knock on the door and he let's me in.

"Hello." He smiles, embracing me.

I smile, "Are you ready to go?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd be a sweet boyfriend and make my amazing girlfriend some brownies." He says, grabbing my hand and leading me into his kitchen, making sure his mother is no where to be found.

I laugh a little, "You're a sweet boyfriend with or without brownies." I say truthfully

Peeta grins proudly, "Thank you. And you're a good girlfriend even if you can't make brownies." He jokes.

"Well, thanks, Peeta." I say sarcastically.

"I'm just kidding. You're actually getting better." He says, face to face with me.

He leans in then pulls away, teasing me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and lean him forward and crash my lips onto his.

It catches him off guard but he kisses me back, seconds later.

I pull him closer as his hands snake around my waist and I deepen the kiss by pulling his face closer to mine.

If I know one thing, it's that this boy can kiss.

"I have an idea." I whisper to Peeta, pulling away from him.

"What's that?" He asks me, taking my hands.

I swallow hard, "Let's skip the sleepover and have our own."

Peeta laughs, "We have them all the time. Are you sure you want to?"

"If you don't want to we don't have to but I wanted to spend some extra alone time with you for your birthday." I say.

Peeta chuckles, "Will there be kissing?"

"And food, if you make it." I tease him.

He laughs, "Sounds perfect." He says, leaning into me again.

Before our lips meet, we are interrupted by a phone call from Annie.

(On the phone with Annie)

"Kat, Finnick wants to know if you two are still coming?" She asks me.

"I don't think Peeta and I are coming after all, we are helping my mom." I lie.

"Oh, okay. Don't forget about tomorrow." Annie says.

"I won't. Have a nice night. Tell Finnick he can see Peeta another day."

"I will. Thanks. You too, bye." Annie says.

"Bye." I say, hanging up.

"Finnick missed you." I snort.

"I miss him too but not as much as I've been missing you." Peeta tells me.

I smirk at him.

"I guess this night is ours." Peeta smiles.

"Do you want to go to my house?" I ask him.

Finding the Missing Piece: An Everlark StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz