Chapter Twenty

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Katniss POV-

Peeta takes my hand and begins to lead me out of his room.

When I am completely outside of his room he releases my hand, runs back into his room, slamming the door shut in my face.

"What are you doing, Peeta?" I say, rolling my eyes and banging on his door.

"I have to change my clothes first." He says, laughing.

"And you couldn't have just asked me to leave the room?" I laugh for the first time in a couple of weeks.


A few minutes later, Peeta returns in gray sweat pants and a black t-shirt, not much different from before but he looks happier and he looks perfect, so simply perfect.

Peeta grabs my hand again, causing sparks to shoot through my entire body again and proceeds to drag me down the stairs, grabbing his car keys off the table and we head out the door, luckily, his family is no where to be seen.

Still gripping my hand, he leads me to the passenger side of his car and opens the door.

I get in and he does too.

"Where are we going?" I ask him excitedly, not sure what to expect from him but figuring it has to be good.

Peeta keeps his eyes on the road in front of him and replies, "I want to take you to my grandparents ranch in District 11. I know it's kind of far but they have a guest house out there where we could talk all night." He explains.

"Okay, um, are sure we won't get in trouble or they won't hear us?" I ask him nervously.

"I'm sure, Katniss. They won't hear us and it will be okay. We will be safe too. I just didn't want to go anywhere outside this late and nothing decent is open. We can go to your house if you don't wanna go there." He suggests.

"No, it is okay as long as we don't get in trouble."

We leave District 12 and we make it to District 11 about an hour, and a half later.

Making small talk along the way but mostly enjoying each other's company.

Peeta pulls up to a gate with a sign that reads 'Mellark Ranch.'

Peeta gets out and opens the gate and gets back in. We pull onto the gravel road and he gets out and closes it.

On each side of the road, there's a line of trees along the edge.

When you pass the last tree is a large building.

"That's my Grandpa's shop. He keeps his tractor in there and lawn mowers. Stuff like that."

"Peeta, this place is beautiful." I say truthfully.

He chuckles, "If you think it's pretty now, wait until you see it in the daylight." He assures me.

I smile a little as he keeps driving.

After the barn the road starts winding down.

When you get to the flat road again there is a large garden on the right and next to the garden is a large two story house.

It has a huge porch and a balcony in the front and back.

In the front yard, is a huge evergreen tree.

"That house is my grandparents and over there is my Grandpa's other shop." He points to the opposite side of the road to a large red building.

I nod my head and we pull past his grandparents home and come to yet another house.

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