Chapter Forty-Six

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Katniss POV-

"Let's have a girl's night at my house tonight, you haven't seen my new house!" Glimmer says excitedly.

We all agree and I look down at my phone and see the time is 7:00pm right now and we meet at 7:30pm.

"I better get home and get some of my things for tonight." I tell them and bid them goodbye.

I walk out of the doors of the mall and drive back home.

While I'm getting ready, I get a call from Peeta.

(On the phone with Peeta)

"Hey." I say, smiling shyly.

"Hi, Katniss. Can we talk sometime?" Peeta asks softly.

My heart drops, "Yeah, of course. What's wrong?"

He pauses a moment before speaking, "Nothing is wrong between us. I mean everything is perfect. It's just me. I have a few things that I wanna talk about, okay?"

"Okay, I am staying at Glimmer's tonight but first thing tomorrow morning, I'll call you." I assure him.

"Okay, have fun. And don't worry, it's nothing to worry about." Peeta says.

"I will call you tomorrow. I love you, Peeta."

"I love you too, Katniss. Forever and Always?"

"Forever and Always." I assure him.

I giggle and he gives a breathy laugh, "Bye." Hs says and then hangs up.

I wonder what's going on in his head.

He sounded upset.

He said not to worry so I guess I won't until tomorrow, even though I will.

I'm sure everything is okay.

I get all my things packed and head to Glimmer's new house.

When I walk inside with Johanna, I find Glimmer, Annie, Madge, and Clove sitting on the floor in front of the television.

I guess they don't acknowledge we are here so I whisper something into Jo's ear.

"I'll get on Clove's side, you get on Glimmer's and we will scare them, okay?" I whisper and she nods giving me an evil grin.

I walk around the couch to the side Clove is sitting on and Johanna opposite of me.

I hold up my fingers and count down silently.




And together, Johanna and I let out a high-pitched scream, grabbing the shoulders of the two girls.

Popcorn goes flying everywhere and loud shrieks are let out of all four of their mouths.

Johanna and I roll over into a fit of laughter and high five.

"That wasn't funny." Madge says, crossing her arms.

"At least you weren't on a side!" Glimmer says and Clove agrees.

"We make a pretty good team." Johanna says, nudging my arm.

I laugh, "Not too bad." I admit.

I help Annie clean up the popcorn and we all sit back down, bored.

"Let's watch a movie." Says Clove.

Johanna rolls her eyes, "You just did." She says impatiently.

"Well, then what else is there to do?" I ask them.

"We could go upstairs and put each others hair in rollers?" Glimmer suggest.

"Why in the hell would we want to put old lady rollers in our hair?" Johanna asks her, obviously irritated.

"Because we could rock them." Glimmer protests.

"Fine. Whatever." Johanna says.

We all go up stairs and wet down our hair.

My hair is naturally wavy but I let them deal with my crazy hair.

I know I'm probably doing stuff with Peeta tomorrow so it couldn't hurt to look nice.

About an hour later everyone's hair is all rolled and 'old lady' looking, as Johanna would say.

We talk for another hour or two about all sorts of weird things and then decide to watch a marathon of some tv show.

At about 1:30am we all are passed out.

I wake up sweaty and breathing heavily, I turn around and see it is 4am.

I had another nightmare.

It's not my usual ones about my father but one about Peeta.

I just lay back down and try to go back to sleep but everytime I am reawakened by nightmares.

At 5am I finally decide to give Peeta a call and make sure he is okay, more for my sake than anything.

I know it's really super early but I know he won't mind.

I just need to hear his voice and I can go back to sleep.

He picks up on the third ring.

(On the phone with Peeta)

"Katniss? Are you okay?" He asks me sleepily but panicked.

"I'm okay, Peeta." I say.

"When you said you would call in the morning, I was expecting it to be a tad later." Peeta laughs breathily.

This makes me smile sadly.

"I am sorry to wake you up I just keep having nightmares and I wanted to make sure you were okay." I reply.

"Katniss, I'm fine. I promise."

I laugh a little, "I know but I had to see for myself."

"That's okay. Do you wanna talk about it?"

I take a deep breath, "It was about losing you." I say softly.

"Oh, well, everything is fine." He assures me.

"Thank you. Hey, since it is technically morning what time do you wanna meet up?" I ask him.

"How about 10ish at the diner by your house?" Peeta suggest.

"Okay, I will see you then. Thank you. I'm sorry for waking you up." I say guiltily.

"You are fine, Katniss. I know how it feels." Peeta tells me.


"Nightmares. Mine are about losing you too." He informs me.

"Oh." I whisper and there is a silence.

"But I'll see you in the morning. Try to get some sleep now." He says.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Peeta says and I hang up.

I lay back down feeling much better and soon after fall asleep and wake up to very blue eyes and blonde hair nudging me to wake.

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