Chapter Fifty-One

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Peeta POV-

Katniss hasn't really talked to me in several days and at school, she avoids me and at home too. She doesn't answer my calls or texts either.

Honestly, I don't even know if we are still together.

Maybe we are because one thing I did notice is she still has on her promise ring so that's got to mean something.

I messed up so bad and I want to fix it but she won't talk to me.

But she is stubborn, I know that.

And I know that if she doesn't want to do something, she won't.

So if she doesn't want to talk to me or see me, she won't.

And I don't blame even her.

I've been a huge jerk lately and then I yelled at her and even threw that stupid letter at her.

I can't stop replaying that moment in my head. The look she gave me.

Nothing but fear in her eyes.

I hate knowing that I scared her.

That I lied.

I've spent so long telling her that I would never hurt her and building trust with her.

And I ruined it all in a few seconds because of my temper that's been way too short lately.

She had every right to be afraid of that letter and maybe I should've been afraid too but I wasn't.

I'm not.

I am not going unless she is.

I don't care about that stupid college.

All I care about is being with Katniss.

Katniss POV-

I need to see Peeta now.

I know it's going to result in more fighting but it has to be done, I guess.

It's better to just get it over with now.

We can't make things any worse than they already are.

I go into the bakery and surprisingly Peeta is the one at the counter.

I freeze, I wasn't expecting him to be in here.

His eyes meet mine and he freezes.

He finishes helping the customer and closes the register.

"Thank you." The customer says and Peeta smiles half-heartedly and nods his head.

"Ryan." Peeta mumbles and his brother spots me.

"I got you little brother. Go talk to her." He says.

Peeta takes his apron off and I come up to the counter.

"I just wanted to talk to you." I say shakily.

"Okay." He says, coming around from behind the counter.

"Let's sit." Peeta says, walking to the front of the bakery and plopping down in a booth.

I follow and sit down across from him.

"I'm really sorry about how I've been acting lately. I shouldn't have lied to you about the letter." I Start.

"Katniss, don't be sorry. I am the one who should be sorry. I overreacted too." He says.

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have lied to you about receiving the letter. I had every intention of opening it with you but I panicked when you got yours."

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