Chapter Fifty-Six

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Katniss POV- (A couple of days later)

"Come on, Katniss!" Johanna hollers from across the mall.

The girls literally drug me here.

I do not want to be here.

It's the first time I have been anywhere public besides school in over a month and I'm not thrilled.

I make it to Annie, feeling weak and defeated.

"I know you're hurting, Sweetie." Annie hugs me tight.

"It will get better soon." Clove pats my back.

"I doubt it." I mumble, truthfully.

If anything, things seems to be getting worse.

"Let's go into this store!" Glimmer squeals and we follow behind her.

Surprisingly enough, I find a few things inside the store and it makes me feel a bit better.

Retail therapy is what Glimmer calls it.

I buy a simple ring.

I am gonna need a ring to replace my promise ring anyways.

I need to give that back to him in case he needs it for someone else or to sell back or do whatever he wishes with it.

My new ring isn't nearly as beautiful as the ring Peeta gave me but it'll fill the void.

I also buy a picture with Peeta and I's favorite quote on it.

"You are a part of a puzzle in someone's life. You may never know where you fit but someone's life may never be complete without you in it."

It described our relationship perfectly.

Peeta was missing piece and I was his.

Here I am alone and I know that Peeta is my missing piece once again.

It's like someone came and knocked my puzzle off the table.

And I lost the most important piece.

Any piece is important in completing a puzzle but Peeta is the piece of my heart.

Everything that stands out, reminds me of him.

Every beautiful thing that catches my eye is made with his favorite color, sunset orange and I keep seeing the words 'Forever' and 'Always' on anything from jewelry, clothes and even books.

Every song that comes over the speakers play our favorite songs or the saddest of love songs.

After going all through the mall they drag me into the food court and try to force me to eat.

I don't even wanna be at the mall, let alone the food court.

"I'm not hungry." I say scowling and wanting to puke at the smell of food.

"C'mon Kat, they have tons of different restaurants here to choose from." Annie nudges my shoulder softly.

"If I eat something will you guys let me go home and be alone?" I ask them.

They all exchange glances.

"Yes, if that's what you want." Annie says.

"That's what I want." I groan.

"Katniss, please, stop being sad? I know you love him but it will be okay. He is in just as bad shape as you and I know it sucks but it won't last forever." Johanna says, actually sounding as if she feels sorry for me.

"Jo is right, Katniss." Glimmer pipes in.

"Yeah, Kat, it'll get better soon. Soon could be anytime from now to ten years from now but it will happen eventually. I know that sounds horrible but it's true." Madge says smiling.

I roll my eyes and sigh, "Can I have some cheese sticks?" I ask them.

I really miss Peeta's cheese buns too, he used to bring me them all the time.

I really miss eating but I just don't feel up to it.

"Of course you can." Annie smiles and orders my food.

I eat most of the food and want to puke from the grease and lack of eating for weeks.

I grab a bottle of water and chug it down.

It helps a little bit.

I get home finally and start to feel a little bit better until I find our scrapbook.

I open it up and see us both so in love and happy together.

How can things go from picture perfect to broken?

This is when I once again break down, I begin to sob and hyperventilate.

I place the book back onto the shelf and before making it to the bathroom I begin vomiting up all the grease, water, and stomach bile all over my room.

Even though I am sick, all I can think of is Peeta and how much I need him.

How I wish he was here to make me feel better.

But he isn't.

He is home feeling just a crappy as me.

And it's all because of me now.

I could've fixed it all days ago.

I could have fixed us.

Finding the Missing Piece: An Everlark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now