Chapter Fourteen

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Katniss POV-

I have to fix things with Peeta.

I speed to the bakery, luckily his family lives in the top half of the building so I know he's got to be one of the two places.

I really hope that he is willing to speak to me.

I think my mother may be right about him liking me back. And maybe he is jealous, thinking that I found someone else but I just don't think that is the case.

It honestly seems too good to be true and happened so fast that it scares me.

What if I'm doing this all on a whim because of a sudden change in heart?

I pull up to the bakery and run inside.

"Hi, how may I help you?" I am greeted by a guy with ashy blonde, hair and blue eyes.

He looks a lot like Peeta just older and not as attractive.

It has to be one of his brothers.

"Is Peeta here?" I ask him with a glimmer of hope in my voice.

"Actually, I haven't seen him since...wait. Are you Katniss?" He asks, seeming to recognize me.

I nod my head.

"I actually haven't seen him since he went to pick you up yesterday but I am sure he is upstairs."

He glances around, "One second, let me go see." He says and runs up the staircase behind the counter.

I wait for a few minutes, looking around the bakery, noticing things I've never noticed until now.

I look up at the menu as I have a hundred times before but it isn't until now I notice it's intricate beauty.

Peeta made it.

He makes such detailed and beautiful strokes, not only in painting, but while writing normal words too and this is his writing.

My thoughts are interrupted when Peeta's brother comes down, "Well, there is good news and there is bad." He says.

"What is it?" I say, my heart dropping.

"The good news is that Peeta is at home. The bad new is he doesn't want to see anyone."

I frown, "Last night, we had a bit of an outing. He left my house and now he won't talk to me." I explain.

"That's strange. All week he's been so happy."

"So have I." I admit.

"Katniss, I don't know what happened but I hope you can work it out. I know that Peeta will kill me for saying this but he really likes you."

My heart stops.

"He likes me?"

He nods, "I think that's an understatement. This past week he hasn't shut up about how amazing he thinks you are." His brother tells me.

I give him a sad smile and reply, "I like him just as much as you say he likes me."

"I'm glad to hear that. Have you told him any of this?"

I shake my head.

"I didn't realize it until it was too late. I just wish he would talk to me." I say truthfully.

Now I know how other people feel when I shut them out.

Peeta's brother shrugs, "I don't know, Katniss. Sometimes he just gets like that."

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