Chapter Seven

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Katniss POV- (Saturday morning)

"Good morning love birds of the house!" I scream at the top of my lungs to all the sleeping couples, snuggling on the floor.

I hear groans and Gale looks up, "Who are you talking to, Catnip?" He asks me, obviously annoyed.

"All of you. So wake your asses up because I'm starving." I say, chucking a pillow at Gale, which hits him square in the face and Madge let's out a sleepy laugh.

I glance down and see Peeta is laying on his stomach with his face in the pillow.

"That included you." I say.

He lifts up his head, looks me in the eyes, smiles, and then pushes his face back down into the pillow.

"I'm not a love bird." Peeta grins.

"Get up." I say as I throw a pillow at him this time.

He laughs, turning on his back, looking at me.

"Well, I would have been up hours ago if it wasn't for, well, you know." He winks at me then sits up and chunks the pillow back at me, hard.

Suddenly everyone is awake and aware.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Marvel says, overhearing Peeta's remark.

"What are you two talking about?" Cato raises his eyebrows up and down at the question like something happened between Peeta and I.

"Nothing, Cato. I just had a nightmare last night and Peeta helped me calm down. That is all that happened." I state loudly so that I can crush any further accusations that Peeta and I did something not so friend-like last night.

"Who wants marshmallow cereal?" Finnick hollers, beating us all to the kitchen.

Peeta and I exchange glances and then race into the kitchen, catching Finnick adding several sugar cubes into his cereal.

I scoff, "As if it didn't have enough sugar in it already, Finnick." I shoot at him.

Finnick sticks his tongue out at me and begins to devour the cereal.

I let out a laugh and we make some as well, minus all the sugar.

And soon everyone else join us and they begin to make plans that I have a feeling don't include Peeta and I, since we are the single ones in the group and they keep using the word 'date.'

"We will meet you guys at the mall at two. We are not coming any sooner because we have things to do." Johanna says, speaking for both herself and Thresh.

"Like what?" Glimmer says.

Jo rolls her eyes, "Like things that don't involve any of you."

Peeta looks at me and I shrug my shoulders.

Johanna isn't the nicest person in the world.

She has her moments and we've had our arguments, don't get me wrong but she's not half bad sometimes.

Except possibly today when she is the absolute worst.

After a long conversation, Johanna speaks up.

"Kat, we'd invite you and Peeta but as you stated earlier, you're not a couple and this is for couples only." Johanna says to Peeta and I after everyone else leaves the room.

I don't say anything but glance over at Peeta, he shakes his head a little.

I look down again not saying a word but get so irritated that I get up before I'm even finished and Peeta follows behind me.

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