Chapter Eighty-Four

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Katniss POV- (One month later)

Like I said, the good times don't always last forever and neither do the bad.

But right now, I still feel extremely crappy.

It was one month ago today that I got the call that my fourteen year old sister, Primrose Everdeen, had been hit by a drunk driver while walking around District 12 early one morning.

I remember the hospital waking me from my long, peaceful sleep, Peeta at my side.

Everything the night before felt so perfect and it all shattered within a few seconds.

Immediately, I broke down and I couldn't even speak.

Peeta rushed me to the hospital just in time for us to witness her last breath and speak her last words.

She was bleeding internally from injuries and the life was leaving her now pale blue eyes.

"Thank you, Kat. For everything." She said with tears rolling down her pale cheeks.

I swallowed hard, "I'm so sorry, Prim." I sobbed into her hand.

"Please, promise me that you'll stay with Peeta forever. You need him." She said with tears filling her eyes.

I nodded my head, "I promise."

"Good." She whispered weakly.

"I love you so much, Prim. I am so sorry." I sobbed uncontrollably.

Peeta patted my back as tears streamed down all four of our faces.

"I love you all and I can't thank you each enough." She said softly to us all.

Mom was already a mess, worse than with my father and so soon and I didn't even blame her.

Mom leaned over, giving Prim a big kiss on the forehead, "We love you too."

He swallowed hard, "I love you, Prim." He cried.

"Remember our promise, Peeta." Prim told him as her eyes slowly closed.

A few more shallow breathe and just like that, she was gone.

Her grip on my hand faded as fast as her breaths and that's when I completely lost it.

I released her hand while Peeta tried to hold me but I didn't want him to.

I turned around, wiping a few stray tears before I began slamming my fist into the drywall of the hospital room repeatedly.

My mother fell to her knees and Peeta just stood there not knowing what to do.

I began to scream and shake violently as the doctors rushed in.

They had Peeta drag me out, kicking and screaming.

I yelled foul things at him that I deeply regret but he knows I didn't mean them.

I guess that is just what happens in these types of situations: You begin to lash out at the ones who are just trying to help you and the ones that love you the most.

Since that day, every night I've managed to fall asleep from complete exhaustion, I've woken to many nightmares.

Peeta stays by my side and has every step of the way so far, even though I don't like it much.

I just want to be alone but he is taking care of me the best that he can.

He keeps telling me that it is important that I eat or drink water at least. That I need to attempt to move on because Prim wouldn't want me doing this to myself.

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