Chapter Fifty-Four

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Katniss POV- (Three days later)

"Kat, you got a letter from a university." My mom informs me, leaving it on my bedside table.

I reach over and rip it open, not even reading the name on the back.

"Miss Everdeen,

I am pleased to inform you that we have had a spot become available and you are now being accepted into the University of Panem. I'm sorry for any trouble the last letter may have caused but we cannot wait to see you this August." This is all I can manage to read before a huge smile breaks out on my face.

I am going to the same college as Peeta.

We can get back together and everything will be fine!

Before I can even think, I am texting him.

(Texts to Peeta)

"Peeta, I got accepted into UP! We are going to college together. I miss you. Call me!" I text shakily, crying happy tears.

"I miss you too and I'm so proud of you. I'm not going to UP anymore." Peeta replies about ten minutes later.


He isn't going to UP anymore?



Then it hits me.

"You can't just fix everything by giving me your spot. That makes it all worse." I reply angrily.

He gave me his spot, I know it.

"Katniss, I didn't give you my spot. I dropped out but I didn't know they would give it to you." Peeta replies.

"I'm not going. That is your scholarship." I tell him.

"Then I guess neither one of us is going."

I throw my phone across the room.

Why can't he just go without me?

Frustrated tears stream down my face.

I actually thought for a second that we were gonna get back together.

Why couldn't I have been accepted with him?

If he truly didn't give me his spot, it just goes to show how close I was to getting in too.

Then none of this would've happened.

We would still be happy and in love.

(On the phone with UP)

"Hi, this is Katniss Everdeen. I would like to reject the offer into this school."

"Miss Everdeen, if you do not accept this offer then we will be forced to give it to another student."

"I don't want to have anything to do with your school." I say angrily.

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"My boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend, got accepted and I didn't. I was one slot away. He dropped out and you gave me his spot. Your school broke us up and I want nothing to do with it." I inform them angrily, hanging up.

I dial Peeta's number.

(On the phone with Peeta)

"Katniss, listen. We have to fix things right-" I cut him off.

"Neither of us are going to that school."

"What?" He asks me annoyed.

"I rejected their offer. I'm sure if you still want the slot it's yours but I don't fucking want it." I say truthfully.

"Katniss..." Peeta says in a very irritated monotone voice.

"Sorry, Peeta." I say rudely and listen for him to respond.

I hate being rude to the nicest person I know, but I do it anyways.

"Katniss, I love you." Peeta blurts so quietly I have to make sure that's what he said.

It comes as a shock, "I love you too." I choke out.

I hang up before he hears me cry.

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