Chapter Eleven

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Peeta's POV-

"Katniss, it is getting really late. I should probably go, it's already midnight." I say looking at the clock, shocked to see the time has gone by so fast.

Her face falls.

"We can hang out tomorrow if you want." I suggest to her.

Katniss gives me an unsatisfied look.

"I promise, I'll come back tomorrow." I say.

"Peeta, will you stay with me?" Katniss asks me nervously.

I swallow hard, trying to figure out what she means.

"We could watch movies and eat popcorn and talk until we fall asleep. Like what we did last night but less making out..." She says, her eyes brightening up and then dulling when she says the last part and she makes a face.

"But only if you want to." She quickly adds in.

My heart races, "Yeah, sure, Katniss. I would love that. Are you sure that your mom won't mind?" I ask her curiously, not wanting her to get in trouble.

She nods, "I am sure she won't mind but let me go check." Katniss says, jumping up.

I nod my head.

"I mean Finnick and Gale have spent the night with me before with no problem so I am sure she will not care but I will go check." She says excitedly and runs up stairs.

A few moments later she comes down with a very frustrated look on her face.

"What did she say?" I ask her.

"She said you could spend the night." Katniss tells me, then rolls her eyes.

I laugh, "Then why do you look so angry?"

"Because my mother is one of those people that assumes that you and I are together and is using this as an excuse to have sex or something stupid like that."

I sigh, "You know I'm not like that and I know you're not." I say to her, because it is true.

I don't want to hurt anyone in the future because I was a stupid teenager.

"I know." Katniss says.

"If it makes you uncomfortable, I won't stay and I can just come back tomorrow if you want." I say trying to get her to tell me to go home.

I really do not want any awkwardness or drama between Katniss and I or Katniss's mother and I.

"My mother said 'yes' as long as we didn't do anything that friends shouldn't be doing. I assured her that nothing would happen and I know that nothing will. I'm sorry I'm not trying to make you feel weird or bad." Katniss says quietly.

"Do you want me to stay?" I ask her, somewhat on the line of confusion.

"Yes." Katniss says, avoiding my gaze.

I can't help but smile as she says this, "I'll stay then. Let me call my dad and tell him where I am at."

Katniss gives me a shy smile, "I will be right back." She says and grabs her car keys and runs out the front door.

I call my dad and tell him where I am and just as I hang up Katniss returns with a very familiar orange bag.

"Here, you left this in my car this morning. Go change." She says shoving the bag into my arms, then grabs my hand causing butterflies in my stomach. She leads me over to a bathroom downstairs.

"I am going to get changed too, upstairs." She says.

I nod my head and she goes.

I shut the door and just stand there in shock.

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