Chapter Forty-Two

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Katniss POV- (The day before Christmas Eve)

I have never been so excited to do something with Peeta!

This weekend is going to be so much fun.

I swear Prim hasn't stopped smiling since he told us and especially since we left town.

It is really the first real vacation we've ever been on so to get to spend it with three of my favorite people is going to be the best.

Peeta got us a room with four beds, a little, living room and a bathroom so it's gonna be nice no matter what.

Since the trip lasts two days, we decided to open presents the day after Christmas, when we get back home.

Luckily, that buys me enough time to find Peeta a few more things.

It is really difficult finding presents for guys, last year wasn't too bad but I just didn't know what to get Peeta. Then he has a birthday and our anniversary and then Valentine's Day and now Christmas, I am running out of ideas.

"Want to come explore town with me?" Prim asks me excitedly.

"Not right now, Prim. I'm super tired but I bet Peeta will take you." I say.

She looks over at Peeta, "I'll take you, Prim. How about you get your shoes and we will go?" He says.

She runs to her room and Peeta comes over to me.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine. I couldn't sleep last night but I'll be fine. Go have some fun with Prim." I say, smiling sadly.

He gives me a look, "Are you sure that school is the only thing bothering you?"

"I'm just tired, Peeta." I say.

Peeta sighs, "Okay, are you sure you don't want to come? You were so excited earlier."

"I still am excited but I'm tired. I promise, I'll spend all day with you tomorrow." I assure him.

He nods, "You ready?" He asks Prim.

"Yes!" She smiles.

"Mrs. Everdeen, would you like to come with us?" He asks my mother.

"Uh, sure. I'm sure that Katniss will enjoy the peace and quiet."

"Okay, we will be back later." Peeta tells me.

"I'll be here." I sigh.

He leans down and kisses my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"You want me to bring you back anything to eat?"

I shake my head, "I'm not hungry. We ate before we left."

He sighs, still unconvinced, "Okay, I'll see you in a bit." He says and they all three leave.

As soon as they leave, I let out a loud groan.

I don't want to ruin this trip for any of them or myself but I couldn't sleep well last night, from the excitement I guess. Plus, I've still been bothered by the things Gretta has been saying and I'm wondering if maybe he really is going to break up with me and is just using this to save face.

I know she's just trying to get in my head because Peeta would never do that but there's still that fear and possibility.

She has made my life miserable lately and it's exactly what she wants.

That's apart of why I'm failing that class.

I don't even know what to do anymore because Johanna confronted her several times the last few weeks and I can fight my own battles but what do I do?

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